Battle of Yavin thematic tournament in Tokyo, Jan 2nd, 2019

By tsondaboy, in X-Wing Organized Play

Join us at our first tournament in 2019!

Regarding squad building for the event, as mentioned in the announcement you need to use the official squad builder and select "Battle of Yavin" from the game variants tab.
Who ever has a single faction in 2.0 just build either a Rebel or Imperial squad accordingly. People that have converted both factions in 2.0 and do not mind playing either side, build 2 squads one Imperial and one Rebel and bring them at the tournament. Since its a Battle of Yavin thematic tournament, I am thinking to have an even number of Imperial and Rebel players and have only opposing factions matches.
So we will make a draw to decide side for players that don't mind playing either side and have the same number of Rebel and Empire players.
Then the top 2 Plastic card prizes will be distributed one each to the Rebel/ Empire players with most wins vs the opposing faction respectively.
Access map:
Edited by tsondaboy

Aww yiss.