So I have 2 questions, that I put into one Thread to not clog up the Forum (if that is not okay, please tell me):
1. In 4e regarding Honor there are 2 actions that are kind of antithetical to each other and I would like your opinion on it. The first one is disobeying your lord. That is straight forward in a feudal society and is regarded as dishonorable. The other One ist following an order despite personal misgivings. While I guess it is assumed that on lower honor ranks, the misgiving is of egoistical reasons on higher ranks those are of honor reasons and therefore blindly following an order that is dishonorable costs you honorpoints. But if your lord orders you to do something dishonorable it is according to the points still in total more honorable even for the most straight forward (rank 9 or 10) bushido type to just follow the order (even if you account in that maybe you might protest and take responsibility for that order onto you by suggesting seppukku or so). I know this kind goes into the knitty gritty aspects of the system and from a flair perspective is what samurai drama of L5R means (Matsu Tsuko as an example) but I'd still like your opinion on this, how you as a GM would handle and rule all this in terms of numbers or if you kind of decide from a case by case basis, where you would even maybe consider that rebelling against your dishonorable lord is an act of Bushido. What do you think?
2. This is a bit easier probably and is regarding the Battle Skill that seems to only be interesting for Mass Battle although it has a Skirmish emphasis. In 3e I heard it has uses also in Skirmishes that haven't been transported into 4e. Is it possible to translate them into the system easy enough to make the skill more worthwhile? How have you guys handled the skill in skirmishes or for what did you use it? (not sure if this goes into Houserule category of the forum, but maybe there are official rules, that I just couldn't find in the official rulebooks)