Had anyone considered running the Force Powers in FaD using a different system? The problem our group has (as players) is that the Force Power system in FaD is so bulky and complicated that you have to search pages and pages of FP Trees to see what magnitude, range, strength, duration, control, or mastery you may or may not have with one power or another. With at least 14 trees, it can get complicated quickly. It is a deterrent for us to even play FaD at all. As a bit of an absurd example, if my character wants to tell if a desired object exists across the room in the dark, know something about it, bring it over to me, up my coordination to use it, convince my friends to like it, prevent my enemies from seeing it, ... then it seems like that is about 8 trees to survey and check all that stuff on. Not to mention, it's an XP-siphon to split your XP in yet more ways. Wnat to get a few (basic) handy force powers? Then forget about having decent skills and talents. There has to be a better way.
It would seem that maybe a spell point system would work better. You get a pool of power points equal to your xp (perhaps?) and then spend them (on the trees) to get what you want done. Do a lot of stuff, run out of powers (fatigued from using the force so much). Do something great, and it is tiring. Or, do a whole lot of simple stuff.
Another option may be a SAGA Edition-like skill for using the force. Successes, Advantages, Triumphs, etc... all tell you how well you can use it. Some simple powers have a base +1 Success to them (like Move). The skill get's adjustments based on purchasing increases. Want to do something? Go ahead and try! Roll well enough and you can do it.
The FFG narrative system seems to permeate through everything....until you reach the Force Powers. You can do what you want and let the dice results narrate how it looks. The base system is very free-flowing but the FP's are tree upon tree of searching for ways to make what you have work, rather than "I can move stuff with the force" and make a roll to see if you can lift your X-Wing out of the swamp.
Any ideas out there? It's been years and my players (and I) never took to the force system. We were left utterly disappointed. It'd be a shame to let the book keep collecting dust.