me and a friend of mine stumbled on Descent about 4 months ago.
i bouth it including Road to legend, tombe of ice, and sea of blood
still missing the 1st 2 expensions.
but we stumbled on some problems while playing.
well were with 2 players so 1 overlord and 1 or 2 heroes,
i need to say we both look up to 3 steps ahead, but for some reason with juist the basic game, the overlord player mostly me keeps winning the game.
we added the feat cards from the 3 expansions to the basic game including the heroes, and still the overlord keeps winning.
we tryded to disemble the game turms, and we noticed that the overlord player has a slide more advantage vesus 1 or 2 heroes.
how can we solve this problem??
we are using the monstercards with the player numbers on it.
so thats not it.
do we need to put mnsters away or what, we wanna start a campaign soon, but we think it might not be possible with only 1 or 2 heroes.
can anybody help us solve this problem??