So, I haven't played the game yet. I come from a long line of minis gaming and I am so excited for when I finally get to play. I have an idea for a list and I need help figuring out what will work and what won't. Also, I am not interested in this being uber-competitive, but simply playable and fun.
I want to play Luke, Han, and Chewie together. My thought is for them to be the primary damage dealers. They all play up close and personal from what I see. Therefore, I thought about fleets for my core (although perhaps a set of rebels with impact grenades to deal with armor). I would round it out with Wookies for their ability to do melee as well, but even more for putting esteemed leader on Han to keep him alive.
So, what am I missing?
We're All Fine Here Now, Thank You:
I'm thinking something along the lines of this:
Luke Skywalker 160
Force Push,
Han Solo 120
Improvised Orders,
Fleet Troopers 44
Scatter Gun Trooper,
Concussion Grenades,
Fleet Troopers 44
Scatter Gun Trooper,
Concussion Grenades,
Rebel Troopers 40
Z-6 Trooper,
Chewbacca 110
Rebel Commandos (Strike Team) 16
DH-447 Sniper,
Rebel Commandos (Strike Team) 16
DH-447 Sniper,
1.4 FD Laser Cannon Team 70
HQ Uplink,
Barrage Generator,
Standing Orders,
Change of Plans,
Notorious Scoundrels,
My Ally Is the Force,
Reckless Diversion,
Son of Skywalker,
Common Cause,
I figure the snipers and 1.4FD can give some long range fire support to the close range units. Also, it's a giant ton of Pierce weapons, which will make StormTroopers pretty sad.
4 minutes ago, shmitty said:I'm thinking something along the lines of this:
Luke Skywalker 160
Force Push,
Han Solo 120
Improvised Orders,
Fleet Troopers 44
Scatter Gun Trooper, Concussion Grenades,
Fleet Troopers 44
Scatter Gun Trooper, Concussion Grenades,
Rebel Troopers 40
Z-6 Trooper,
Chewbacca 110
Rebel Commandos (Strike Team) 16
DH-447 Sniper,
Rebel Commandos (Strike Team) 16
DH-447 Sniper,
1.4 FD Laser Cannon Team 70
HQ Uplink, Barrage Generator,
Standing Orders, Change of Plans, Notorious Scoundrels, My Ally Is the Force, Reckless Diversion, Son of Skywalker, Common Cause,
I figure the snipers and 1.4FD can give some long range fire support to the close range units. Also, it's a giant ton of Pierce weapons, which will make StormTroopers pretty sad.
So are the Wookies just overkill on up close and personal? It seems like you are saying more range and impact or pierce is needed?
1 minute ago, ryanabt said:Thanks!
So are the Wookies just overkill on up close and personal? It seems like you are saying more range and impact or pierce is needed?
I really don't know about the Wookies yet, just haven't had the chance to try them. But yeah, I think having some long range fire support with the close range stuff seems important. I don't know that I think this will be a good list, but it will be a fun one with the three heroes.
6 minutes ago, shmitty said:I really don't know about the Wookies yet, just haven't had the chance to try them. But yeah, I think having some long range fire support with the close range stuff seems important. I don't know that I think this will be a good list, but it will be a fun one with the three heroes.
I tend towards being a player that takes suboptimal (though not necessarily bad, more quirky) lists and challenges himself.