Just had one of the most fun games ever...

By Kehl_Aecea, in X-Wing Battle Reports

So, tonight was game night. I normally play Rebels, but Resistance has been a blast... so I dusted off my two favorites from 1.0: Rey and Ello Asty. I call the list "Ello Nurse!" (hey, it's funny to me)

Scavenged YT-1300 Light Freighter - •Rey - 117
•Rey - Resourceful Scavenger (80)
Homing Missiles (3)
•C-3PO (6)
•Rose Tico (9)
Rigged Cargo Chute (4)
•Rey’s Millennium Falcon (5)
•Finn (10)

T-70 X-wing - •Ello Asty - 81
•Ello Asty - Born to Ill (56)
Elusive (3)
BB Astromech (5)
Munitions Failsafe (2)
Integrated S-foils (Open) (0)
Ferrosphere Paint (6)
Proton Torpedoes (9)

Total: 198/200

View in the X-Wing Squad Builder

My opponent flew Poe and Ben Teene with Proton Bombs and Seismic charges. As the game went on, I managed to cut down his bomber, but put Ello on Death's doorstep to do it and Poe cleared him out the next round while Rey was out of range. The game turned into an odd knife fight around the remaining rocks (two had been blown up and I had added a debris cloud which blocked off a path between a couple remaining rocks) and after a solid proton torpedo hit, the last round began with him needing 3 hits to sink the Falcon and 2 hits to kill Poe. We're at Range 3, he's out of torpedoes, rolls 2 crits and a blank against my evade and focus, which I flipped to an evade. on my roll I get 4 hits. He rolls 3 blanks, uses R2-HA to spend his lock and re-roll only to get a single evade and 2 blanks.

This was honestly one of my favorite games of X-Wing between the two versions. The Falcon is fun to fly and Ello's ability to do white talon rolls is amazing. The BB Astromech grants a lot of flexibility especially if you're like me and forget to close your s-foils before activation and you're inches from a rock. Ferrosphere Paint is a FANTASTIC annoyance to an opponent that's reliant on locks.

I doubt this would have done well against a list with more ships, but a 2v2? An absolute dream to fly! :D

Sounds like a fun list and you flew it well to!

I highly recommend you try han in the falcon, with rose, finn, and heroic, it has nearly the same punch, adds a point of initiative, and you should have enough points to add on some extra upgrades to taste. I personally fly him with lieutenant Bastian+M9 and a A-wing, but I'll have to give your list a try soon.

On 12/21/2018 at 5:13 AM, Kehl_Aecea said:

I call    t  he list "Ello Nurse!" (hey, it's funny to me) 


On 12/20/2018 at 9:13 PM, Kehl_Aecea said:

Scavenged YT-1300 Light Freighter - •Rey - 117
•Rey - Resourceful Scavenger (80)
Homing Missiles (3)
•C-3PO (6)
•Rose Tico (9)
Rigged Cargo Chute (4)
•Rey’s Millennium Falcon (5)
•Finn (10)

T-70 X-wing - •Ello Asty - 81
•Ello Asty - Born to Ill (56)
Elusive (3)
BB Astromech (5)
Munitions Failsafe (2)
Integrated S-foils (Open) (0)
Ferrosphere Paint (6)
Proton Torpedoes (9)

Total: 198/200

This sounds fun. Is elusive the best EPT for Ello Asty? It would only trigger for his K-turns.

I find elusive VERY good on any ship with less that 3 agility. As for it on Ello, yeah, it'll only regen on a K-turn. After playing the list more, I've swapped out the paint job for Pattern Analyzer and Rose for Tactical Officer. Then I threw on Instinctive Aim and swapped the missiles for Concussion Missiles.

Han plus Rey is also fantastic. It always triggers when you've got a shot so you don't have to worry about two layers of positioning to trigger. If you save it that means you've always got at least one evade per round (blank to an evade with Rey or Force token for its usual effect). Same cost as Rey + Finn.

My current build is Han with Rey, 3-PO, Tac officer and Trick Shot for 99 points. Free coordinate and a calculate so you don't totally lose your action, at PS-6 for no stress is pretty powerful, especially with the resistance being a faction full of aces that greatly benefit from multiple mods. I've got it like so:

Han with rey, 3PO, Tac officer Trick shot: 99

L'ulo L'ampar with Heroic Predator: 41

Ello Asty with Foils, Heroic, Black ONe for 59,

Total 199.

Small bid, three ships that can hit hard, and the coordinate for either of your aces for a lock/evade, double T-Roll potential from Ello and double coordinate for Han if he needs it.

Been pretty good when I haven't messed up the flying. Han is definitely a blast to play.