Is the meta changing to the point were players are not bringing enough counters against "Armored" units? I know this is only anecdotal (hence why I started this topic), but last weekend I was at my LFGS for a one day Star Wars Legion event and I figured I'd put together a list to include my recently painted AT-ST. The reasons I decided on building a list around the AT-ST was first (as already mentioned) I had just finished painting, weathering and detailing my AT-ST and I wanted to use it at least once even if internet wisdom says that it is not a point efficient unit and secondly because I've been seeing a trend on min maxing troop units to gain activation advantage while saving points for the newer more interesting special units that left no points for effective anti armor. The list I took looked as follows:
General Veers 80
- Commanding Presence,
Snowtroopers 48
- Flametrooper, Snowtrooper, Recon Intel,
Snowtroopers 48
- Flametrooper, Snowtrooper, Recon Intel,
Stormtroopers 44
- DLT-19 Stormtrooper, Stormtrooper, Fragmentation Grenades,
Stormtroopers 44
- DLT-19 Stormtrooper, Stormtrooper, Fragmentation Grenades,
Stormtroopers 44
- DLT-19 Stormtrooper,
AT-ST 195
- AT-ST Mortar Launcher, DW-3 Concussion Grenade Launcher,
Scout Troopers (Strike Team) 16
- DLT-19x Sniper,
Scout Troopers (Strike Team) 16
- DLT-19x Sniper,
Command Cards:
Standing Orders,
Imperial Discipline,
Evasive Maneuvers,
Maximum Firepower
The Army totaled 798 points
AT-ST loadout was chosen to ensure there would be almost no time throughout the battle where I would not be able to take advantage of "arsenal 2" and fire two weapons every turn. It would let me put extra suppression on the enemy's snipers early in the game while denying cover to his units once the center scrum started. I have to say this was key in every game that day as all my adversaries brought no less than two sniper teams. I was able to neutralize/take out their snipers early in the game and use my snipers freely in later turns. Snowtroopers were my offensive assault units that got into the fight fast, snipers held back in defensive positions with good view of the battlefield and stormtroopers were my reactionary units to either stay back and pepper the enemy units with blaster fire or surge forward to grab objectives when needed.
All my opponents that day happened to be Imperial players, which I thought would give my AT-ST problems with mass DLT Impact shots coming my way. But the threat never materalized. Every player took one unit of "snows" one or two Imperial Royal Guard and every list had Palpatine or Palpatine and Vader in it. Is this a trend that others have been seeing lately or is it a one-off thing that is not an indicator of a changing Meta?