Hi all just got back from a full day of Road to Legend-ing, was great!
I have a few question's I'd like to put to you people regarding exiting dungeons.
If the heroes wish to exit the dungon on lvl 3 and return to where the dungeon is located on the map can they only do this via the exit portal rather than the portal or any other glyph on that last lvl?
What if 1 hero is back in town while the rest exit, does that hero have to re-enter the dungeon and then exit again before the dungeon is complete, or does he just catch up with the rest of them?
While we're talking about glyphs how about this scenario:
At the start of a dungeon level the Runewitch goes 1st, rushes through the dungeon level and activates the 2nd glyph. In their turns can the other heroes now enter through that 2nd glyph? (am I right in thinking that the heroes don't all start on the board next to the 1st glyph?)
Thanks for the input all!