Just thought I'd share an idea I had. Let's say your PCs are headed to a fancy party or a high end casino. Perhaps somewhere closer to the core. The doormen may be able to provide a "stun lock" that is fastened to the weapon similar to a restraining bolt. Once fastened the weapon may only be fired using the stun setting. Stun locks may only be used with weapons that have a stun setting. Furthermore, it requires a DAUNTING mechanics check to remove the stun lock. Alternatively, at the GM's discretion the PC may use the appropriate weapon skill to remove it (e.g. ranged light or ranged heavy). Alternatively, the lock may be removed with the appropriate tool (usually by the doorman upon exit).
(optional) The "stun lock" may have a mod that allows the weapon to be remotely disabled from a central computer for 3 rounds.
I don't recall seeing this in the books nor so I think it has any sort of canonicity It just seems like a nice option that would allow your PCs to bring weapons to a party that might not otherwise allow it.