New Captain Phasma's power action and set-aside dice.

By Reactor Terminal, in Star Wars: Destiny


I was reading an article over on the Hyperloops and they make it sound like you get to start using Phasma's (die/dice) plus use her power action to roll the 2 First Order Stormtrooper dice into your pool right from the start.

However, from how I understood the rules... is that 'set-aside' dice are only dice that are brought to the game- and have to correspond to the cards in your deck. So the only way the FOST die can be set-aside is after one of them dies.

Which then begs the question... how do you start with Phasma and two FOSTs? (18+7+7= 32)... unless there will be new plots with a -2 value.

Again...I could be wrong about this...just looking for clarification.


Given that Phasma’s card specifically references the FOST die, then you can have it in your set-aside zone.

You can use elite Phasma and FOST along with Advanced Training plot. That is 30 total. With this plot, if you rolled FOST dice blanks, it will become 1 indirect damage for each die of trooper only by using this plot, if it is damage dice, with Phasma's ability, it became melee damage. Imagine that, with Phasma's power action, you get 3 FOST dice in the pool, 3 blanks became 3 damages. That is pretty good to me.

You do not need to include a FOST in your team to have FOST dice in your set aside zone, as Phasma's card references them

RRG, Page 10, "Set Aside Zone"

Each player has a set-aside zone. At the beginning of the game, some dice are set aside. These are dice that can enter play via cards. Players can set aside any number of dice that match cards in their deck, or are referenced by cards in their deck.

Ahhhh... Or are referenced by cards....that's what I missed....( Every word counts) Thanks for the cclarification. 😁