getting in now finally

By rickert, in Star Wars: Destiny

After much hesitation when the product was so scarce, I am now taking the plunge, getting 2 of the Legacies 2 player starters and buying some boosters and some bulk stuff from older sets. I want to introduce this to my wife at the same time as I learn it myself. Is there some place I can get a good deck list for what 2 decks and teams I can put together from these two 2-player starters to have a good game against her?

Also, I really like these forums but are there any others where the game, cards, teams, decks and rules are discussed?

as far as I know you can look at star wars destiny Deck builder or has a few decks in it, but with that one you have to be aware most people are listing decks with all the cards. But you can filter and search. Also with just the two player set and a few boosters you may just be better served looking at trilogy format as of right now and really just getting a feel for the 2 player set and see what you come up with. Most of what you will come up with will be competitive with each other out of the 2 player set. Should be noted that when you get more competitive look at the holocron you will find that one of the two player set characters had their points adjusted.

Probably the easiest thing to do would be to run Rey and Poe against Kylo and Phasma.

Here's a list for Rey Poe.

And one for Kylo Phasma.

I didn't check, but if there's overlap in the cards the decks ask for just share and sub out with other similar priced cards from the starters. Technically Phasma has had her points bumped up for competitive play, but between the two of you those decks should be relatively balanced for starting out.

When expanding, drafting packs and combining the cards with the Rivals starters is a fun way to deck build and get a taste of a wide range of cards.

Thanks to both of you for some great help. Can anyone help me with how to filter decks in

For sure. Go to the 'Decklist' tab on the top of the SWDestinydb site. Then go to the bottom of the left hand menu and hit search. From there you can search for deck lists from any faction or format, and containing any specific character(s) or card(s) you're interested in.

Thank you