Mother of Dragons rule question.

By Varjasmester, in A Game of Thrones: The Board Game


So basicaly, we did our first try on the MoD expansion, and we came across a questionable rule. There is the "Robert Arryn" card, which states that if you are defending you may get this card out of the game and the opponents lowest card from the game permanently. So the question is: If the opponent like baratheon has two 1 str card in the discard pile, then who decides which will get out of the game permanently? Also, if this card is used in the first battle of each house, can it be used? Cause there is no cards in the discard pile at that time, but after combat it is, so im kinda confused about that.

Thanks for the answers!

Okay the second part of the question is clear, only looking for the first one:)

Hello !

I have a question about degradation : the rules say "the reverse side of each improvement token includes a degradation, which can be placed over any of the icons on the map". But the only degradation possible (if I haven't missed anything) is the castle degradation ! Is there a way to degrade supply and ConsPower? Or is that an oversight?

The Pentos garrison goes back on the board if/when T gains Pentos back. Can you confirm that the rules for the other garrisons don't change (i.e. they are removed from the game)?

And what happens when Bronn is played against another vassal ? since vassals do not pay the power tokens to reduce Bronn's strength (since they have none), can their commander pay it from their main houses?

The sea orders can only be used when Targaryen is in the game, right? I'm assuming this because one of them is the iron bank loan token and the iron bank is only in when Targaryen . Or, alternatively, do you just take that specific token out and leave the other two in?

And final question : are you really that cruel? Drogo can only serve ONCE in the whole game? after all the poor guy has been through? come on! :P


I am excited to start playing the MoD expansion but had a simple question before playing.

If Targaryen was to fight Martel over a loyalty point. Martel then plays Arriane which sends the opponent back to where it came from does Targaryen get the VP?

I am basing this question off of how I played in the past using power tokens. If martel has a power token on a land area and plays arriane and loses the battle. The power token is lost because technically for a brief second the opponent claims the land, the power token is removed and then the opponent is sent back due to the house card ability.

Taking Targaryen in the example, Martel loses... Targaryen claims the loyalty token, gets the VP... then is sent back due to the house card ability?

Is my way of thinking correct?

Love all the questions that are being asked by the way. real thinking questions

Thank You.

the second part of the question is soo clear

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Edited by blackiyto