Hello there !
I am currently working on a new character concept, a female bounty hunter named Kira, who "turn everything she touches into a bomb" (YES that IS a Jojo reference)
So I would like to create a weapon similar to what Riff Tamson (the shark guy) uses in the Clone Wars show, during the battle on Mon Cala ( at 3:14 in this video ), an explosive with a short blast radius, but a great power against a single target.
Is it described in any of the books ?
If not, how would you stat this thing ? I would go with (dmg 5, crit 3, range Engaged, Pierce 3, Blast 3). I first wanted to give it Crit 2 instead, given the terrible injuries that it could inflict, but I'm afraid that it would be a bit strong against nemeses (even if you have to reach engaged range first). Also I don't want it to be a knife, but rather something you can stick on the bad guy's armor with a discretion roll.
What do you think about it ?
Also, quick question while I'm at it : does Pierce apply to characters affected by the blast ?
Edited by AbsatSolo