Droid Crafting and Doppleganger

By lobackamain22, in Star Wars: Force and Destiny RPG

When crafting a droid chassis there is an option for spending extra advantage and triumph that states: "Doppelganger: Build 1 additional identical droid as part of the construction process". If you were to gain a different optional benefit, like Superior Hardware which lets you improve one Characteristic and then select Doppelganger, would this extra droid also have their characteristic improved?

Thanks for any help :)


Additionally, is there anyway to grant a droid a talent that isn't listed in the basic droid programing options in Special Modifications? I am trying to get a droid that can stim application me but so far it doesn't seem like that is going to be possible.

Edited by lobackamain22

I don't see why not, assuming you have the Advantage/Triumph to pay for the additional optional benefit, and the Doppelganger effect.

If it doesn't specify in the full writeup for the talent that you can't use this to also boost Characteristics and duplicate them, then I don't see why you can't do it. Again, assuming you have enough positive results on the roll to pay for it all. I mean, you're paying for it with positive dice results, it's hardly a freebie.

22 hours ago, lobackamain22 said:

When   crafting a droid chassis there is an option for spending extra advantage and triumph that states: "Doppelganger    : Build 1 additional identical droid as part of the construction process". If you were to gain a different optional benefit, like Superior Hardware which lets you improve one Characteristic and then select Doppelganger, would this extra droid also have their characteristic improved?

Looks good to me. Considering the cost it'll take to get there...


Additionally  ,  is there anyway to grant a droid a talent that isn't listed in the basic droid programing options in Special Modifications? I am trying to get a droid that can stim application me but so far it doesn't seem like that is going to be possible.

Nope. That's the limits of Droid building. You want someone with a specific set of skills, you'll have to hire them. Check Dangerous covenants, a medic or doc would be a specialist hire

Edited by Ghostofman

Use the stats of the species you're doppelganging, the cost is an obscene narrative number, and you have the limitations of the doppelganged species because they've been programmed into protect you from being detected. Let them start with any cybernetic implants they can mount that don't reveal they're not entirely organic, and take it out of future credit rewards narratively that had some other expense that they had to pay.

On 12/13/2018 at 7:12 PM, lobackamain22 said:

Additionally, is there anyway to grant a droid a talent that isn't listed in the basic droid programing options in Special Modifications? I am trying to get a droid that can stim application me but so far it doesn't seem like that is going to be possible.

You could give the droid any of the cybernetics that provide additional talents, but I don't think any of those give Stim Application.

Re. Stim Application: Per RAW, I think folks are right that it's not possible. Still, I'd allow it if a PC really wanted to do this in my game, provided they could justify it in game somehow. In other words, sweet talk your GM. :)

I mean, the one thing that is RAW is that the various lists of Weapons, Armor, Gear and Attachments aren't exhaustive, and that other's could be made with the GM's Discretion. So if you really wanted to, you could have a cybernetic or piece of gear (attachment probably) that provides that talent.