AoR Errata Updates?

By Mongriff, in Star Wars: Age of Rebellion RPG

I was wondering if there were going to be any updated erratas for any of the material. One of the players in my group pointed out to me that Ib Fully Operational, the "Dockyard Expertise talent shows a different number on the Shipwright tree than the actual description (25% cost reduction versus 20% in the full description). Also, the Cloaking Device vehicle attachment has a cutoff sentence at the end of its base Modifier description. Just wanted to point it out to anyone that may know.

Errata is likely scheduled for ALTFNIADFFFC (A Long Time From Now In A Document Far Far From Complete).

From what I've seen, FFG cares little about getting new material for the RPGs out and even less about correcting stuff that is already out.

Edited by HappyDaze
6 hours ago, Mongriff said:

I was wondering if there were going to be any updated erratas for any of the material. One of the players in my group pointed out to me that Ib Fully Operational, the "Dockyard Expertise talent shows a different number on the Shipwright tree than the actual description (25% cost reduction versus 20% in the full description). Also, the Cloaking Device vehicle attachment has a cutoff sentence at the end of its base Modifier description. Just wanted to point it out to anyone that may know.

There's no time-table for when errata update are released.

Given that it seems FFG's in-house RPG department is a skeleton crew, dedicating staff to work on getting the errata updated is probably a lower priority than working on projects that are directly generating revenue.

It could also depends on the terms of their licensing agreement with Lucasfilm; there have been past instances with other licenses where any and all errata constituted "changes to the document" and thus having to go through the approvals/review process all over again, with not all licensors being all that speedy in responding to the licensee. RPG updates are probably a low priority for whomever at Lucasfilm has to sign off on it. No idea if that is the case with Lucasfilm, that any errata has to be put through the approvals process, but if it is, that might well be a factor in why the errata is updated at a glacial pace.

It's not an ideal situation by any stretch, and I'm sure they'd love to get errata updated in a speedier fashion.


On Episode 115 of the Order 66 Podcast there are some dev answers about Fully Operational.

Here's the answer to one of your questions:

Dockyard Expertise : The talent provides a 20% reduction per rank (as per the       long    text).
