The Durnadal Initiative: Live Stream

By SgtDurandal, in Star Wars: Armada Battle Reports

Just when you thought you were rid of us... We pop up again like an annoying cold sore.

Due to family obligations it's been some time since we've been able to play, let alone stream a match of this game we all love. Luckily we'll be able to dust off the ships tomorrow and have at it. We'll be rusty and completely out of the loop with the current meta but stop by and drop us a line in the chat while we wreck it.

Edited by SgtDurandal

Happy to be able to get a last minute game of Armada in tonight 8:30 PM MST. Drop in and check it out. Drop us a line in the chat!

Edited by SgtDurandal

Once again after a long hiatus we're back with another friendly match of Pew Pew Starships tonight March 16th, LIVE around 8 PM MST.

Edited by SgtDurandal