New Set and Starters!

By Imperial Citizen, in Star Wars: Destiny

... they screwed up Jabba again. There are a few interesting cards like the one that causes indirect damage to be focused on a single character but most of what they release seems to be more of the same.

Love the fact that they went with Obi and Greivous, part of me wishes it was a younger obi and a maul, but this will be cool. Also Initially I thought why is phasma 21 when her die is crap and then I see that she technically has 3 or 4 dice and it made more sense, her health though is abysmal for her point value. Also looking forward to Windu/ Luke :) . Edit: this new obi makes both old obis look like trash. Seriously they need to start using - balance of the force for old character for Infinite format to make infinite feel fresh. Edit 2: I hope FFG realizes Target aquired just eliminated the main drawback of Indirect decks.

Edited by tunewalker

Not impressed with the downgrades. They'll see some play in draft, but from the few we've seen so far, I don't see any reason to include them in a constructed deck. There's always something better.

The characters look pretty good. Not amazing, but solid enough.

I want to complain about not needing a third version of Phasma, but I do like what they did with her this time. She's a leader, so the idea of having her roll in the generic trooper dice makes perfect sense. She's over-costed for her health, but you get 3 dice for 18 points. I can't imagine making her elite, because that doesn't leave you room for another good character. But paired with Talzin, she should be solid.

I'm more worried but what they didn't show us. There had better be new versions of Chewbacca, C-3PO, and Padme in this new set, or else those major characters won't have versions that are playable in standard tournaments once this set comes out. Besides, this game needs a better version of Chewie. I still can't believe they didn't include him in AtG, with the emphasis on the Solo movie in that set.

3 hours ago, tunewalker said:

Love the fact that they went with Obi and Greivous, part of me wishes it was a younger obi and a maul, but this will be cool. Also Initially I thought why is phasma 21 when her die is crap and then I see that she technically has 3 or 4 dice and it made more sense, her health though is abysmal for her point value. Also looking forward to Windu/ Luke :) . Edit: this new obi makes both old obis look like trash. Seriously they need to start using - balance of the force for old character for Infinite format to make infinite feel fresh. Edit 2: I hope FFG realizes Target aquired just eliminated the main drawback of Indirect decks.

They went with this version of Obi because another season of Clone Wars is coming.

Edited by ozmodon

Has anyone noticed that the color of the box and boosters in general is white again? Could it imply something regarding the blocks and their compatibility?

Speaking of the upcoming set, I was really hoping they would learn a lesson regarding the legendaries concept and how it ruins the game in the long run.

I actually really like their new packaging. Legendaries drive the collectable aspect of this game. Yes most cards, even rares, are completely worthless and everyone buys tons of packs to get the legendaries. This can frustrate the buyer but it is the business model and why people get excited about opening packs in drafts or as prize support for weekly tournaments. FFG use to champion LCG as an alternative to the collectable games but they seem to have turn away from that model as of late and are wanting to do more random customizable games.