Going to be running a one-shot, and I'm using the BBox pregens to make it easy on myself. However, I notice there's no Deadliness entry for their weapons. Do the BBox rules handle critical strikes differently, and if so, how?
Going to be running a one-shot, and I'm using the BBox pregens to make it easy on myself. However, I notice there's no Deadliness entry for their weapons. Do the BBox rules handle critical strikes differently, and if so, how?
Yes - Much like the Star Wars beginner box. Each critical strike you take moves you one 'up' the track.
1st Critical - Have some strife
2nd Critical - +TN on all checks
3rd Critical - +++TN on all checks
4th critical - permenantly incapacitated regardless of your fatigue level until the critical is healed (you can't actually be 'killed' in the beginner game)
there's a medicine check to remove the critical strike.