Looks like FFG is getting us a new Road to Legend campaign

By Sadgit, in Descent: Journeys in the Dark

I can validate it, Steam updated my Road to Legend App and there is a new campaign there :D

W00t W00t! So awesome!

Belthir! I love how when you first load it up after the update it shows the portrait of Belthir with the dragon wings perfectly placed so it looks like they're actually his...Clever devils. BelthirWings.thumb.jpg.f906158aef6fb5a90984d1774c51c1c7.jpg

Woo Hoo!



Hopefully it incorporates some of the Labyrinth villains, too.

oh so cool . I am so pleased. ANd it is free !!
That is a big slap in your face to all those who said that Descent was dead.

1 hour ago, Tintaglia said:

oh so cool . I am so pleased. ANd it is free !!
That is a big slap in your face to all those who said that Descent was dead.

A surprise to be sure, but a welcome one.

So, we get another piece of digital content for RTL. And it is free. All good.

I sincerely hope, however, that this does not start another round of thread after thread positing what is coming next for physical content.

In case you guys are curious to preview the app, I made a quick video previewing the initial setup/mission and world map. It looks awesome and am super excited!

Embers of Dread - Campaign Preview

Edited by Swagglehaus

Did anyone else lose access to their paid-for "Trials of Frostgate" campaign with this latest update? Just curious as to whether this has affected anyone else, before I approach FFG.

I've little interest in playing Descent with the app, but it's great to see that Descent is still alive. Hopefully they come out with some more physical expansions soon!

5 hours ago, rhinor8 said:

Did anyone else lose access to their paid-for "Trials of Frostgate" campaign with this latest update? Just curious as to whether this has affected anyone else, before I approach FFG.

I hadn't purchased that one, but I did lose The Delve from my Kindle. I sort of expected something like that because it seems to happen with every major content update (not that there's been one in a while). I was just glad I didn't lose saved games.

Woah, they're paying to create new Descent content! That's a pleasant and unexpected surprise~ I'll have to check it out if I can get my old players back together again.

Here's hoping this indicates a small chance for new physical content...

Edited by Charmy

What surprises me is that the campaign needs LoR and LotW. I really thought that it would be a Mislands campaign knowing that the 2 final boxes are those that sold the less.
On the contrary the old players all own LoR and LotW, so that means that there is not a lot of sales to be expected here for FFG.
Looks like a real Christmas gift to me and to all the veterans.
Well done FFG.

This is what I wanted! It uses two physical expansions! I love, when they mix expansions in their campaigns. Value of bought expansions just rose to the roof!

These are fantastic news! Now I'm expecting for new physical content with an another campaign, like Nerekhall.

Well done FFG!

14 hours ago, any2cards said:

I sincerely hope, however, that this does not start another round of thread after thread positing what is coming next for physical content.

1 hour ago, Ravenus said:

Now I'm expecting for new physical content with an another campaign

And it begins... 😄

A new RTL campaign is great news for Descent fans, especially for the solo players. What an unexpected surprise!

6 hours ago, And Drew and Drew said:

I hadn't purchased that one, but I did lose The Delve from my Kindle. I sort of expected something like that because it seems to happen with every major content update (not that there's been one in a while). I was just glad I didn't lose saved games.

It seems that Kindle version has this problem, while neither the Steam version nor the Android version have it

That's so unexpected, I'm blown over and really glad!

1 hour ago, Cejel said:

And it begins... 😄

A new RTL campaign is great news for Descent fans, especially for the solo players. What an unexpected surprise!

I am still expecting that there will be at least a Road to Legend Mistlands campaign.

Great news. So happy EXCEPT my gf and I just started to play Gloomhaven.

Descent RTL... Gloomhaven.... Descent RTL.... Gloomhaven.... ahhhhhh

21 hours ago, Sadgit said:

I cannot validate this post at the moment. But there is hope.


Thank you, Descent development team at ANA. You have exceeded my expectations in this regard. This is a surprise, all signs pointed to the lights being out.

22 hours ago, Zotiskarr said:

Belthir! I love how when you first load it up after the update it shows the portrait of Belthir with the dragon wings perfectly placed so it looks like they're actually his...Clever devils. BelthirWings.thumb.jpg.f906158aef6fb5a90984d1774c51c1c7.jpg

Yep, that is seriously epic design work.

So what do we think's next for physical content? only joking hehe

FFG news item now up: https://www.fantasyflightgames.com/en/news/2018/12/6/embers-of-dread/

Edited by Watercolour Dragon
ffg news up now