public xwing 2.0 api

By Jmens, in X-Wing Squad Builder

I am currently working on a well documented and easy-to-use API providing original FFG data to enable any frontend dev to build a cool squad builder alternative.

Now I have two concerns...

1) Everything works fine - except of maneuver dial data. Does anyone know where to get 2.0 maneuver dial data in a structured way?

2) Is FFG ok with a fanboy API? Since this is a moderated forum, I think I will get any message if not... 🙂

Thanks a lot!

Seeing as they can't produce a competent version of their own app I can't see why they could have any complaints as long as you credit them with the points and other components.

2 hours ago, Number16 said:

Seeing as they can't produce a competent version of their own app I can't see why they could have any complaints as long as you credit them with the points and other components.

They can still C&D any 3rd party app if they wanted to. Of course then FFG will have fewer and fewer X-wing players.

On 12/4/2018 at 5:07 PM, Jmens said:

I am currently working on a well documented and easy-to-use API providing original FFG data to enable any frontend dev to build a cool squad builder alternative.

Now I have two concerns...

1) Everything works fine - except of maneuver dial data. Does anyone know where to get 2.0 maneuver dial data in a structured way?

2) Is FFG ok with a fanboy API? Since this is a moderated forum, I think I will get any message if not... 🙂

Thanks a lot!

As for point 1, seeing as point 2 has been answered, many, if not all ship dials are hosted on the Fandom Wikia , where I've linked the Conversion Kits, for the majority of ships. You might have to go through each available ship model to get the dial, but, they are out there most of the time.

Edited by Damo1701

Great idea to create a public API!

If you're not yet familiar with xwing-data2 I recommend you check it out here:

It's an easy-to-use collection of all cards in the game and could probably serve as a data source for your API. It's currently used in the Vassal module as well as several squad builders. If there's any data missing feel free to open a pull request!

xwing-data2 has dials for every ship in the format used in Vassal and described here:

As for question 2: xwing-data for first edition has been around for a few years, so if FFG had any problems with it they probably would've told us already :) tt


There's another data source over at (click the [json] link at the bottom of each page)

Edited by GKi