Does Concussion Missles triggers immediately during the same attack?

By Oldpara, in X-Wing Rules Questions

According to the Rules reference Concussion Missles triggers themselves (as long as there are dmg card dealt from this attack) as hit is determined in step 4, damage cards are dealt in step 5 and abilities after attack triggers in step 6 (aftermath).

Or am I reading this wrong?

Edited by Oldpara

After this attack hits is the same timing as ion cannon etc so before damage is dealt.

"4. Neutralize Results: During this step, pairs of attack and defense dice neUtRalize each other. Dice are neutralized in the following order: a. Pairs of 򁄠and 򁧠results are canceled.b. Pairs of 򁄠and 򁨠results are canceled.

The attack hits if at least one 򁧠or 򁨠result remains uncanceled; otherwise, the attack misses.

5. Deal Damage: If the attack hits, the defender suffers damage for each uncanceled 򁧠and 򁨠result in the following order:a. The defender suffers 1 򁧠damage for each uncanceled 򁧠result. Then cancel all 򁧠results.b. The defender suffers 1 򁨠damage for each uncanceled 򁨠result. Then cancel all 򁨠results.'" - page 5 of the rules reference. (Bold by me)

So we determine if the attack hits during step 4 (before damage is dealt).


Concussion missile triggers after the attack hits so before step 5.

7 hours ago, Oldpara said:

According to the Rules reference Concussion Missles triggers themselves (as long as there are dmg card dealt from this attack) as hit is determined in step 4, damage cards are dealt in step 5 and abilities after attack triggers in step 6 (aftermath).

Or am I reading this wrong?

What you are assuming is it triggers after the attack, that is not correct it triggers after the attack hits these are different timing windows

Edited by Icelom

Contrast the wording of Concussion Missiles with Rexler Brath, who triggers "after you perform an attack that hits." Because HIS effect references the entire attack, and not just the status of the attack (hit or miss), it takes place in the "aftermath" step.


I stand corrected. Thak you