Augment durration

By Sir Reginold, in Realms of Terrinoth

So I'm going to be gming a new game with this rule set, and one of my players wants to use augment as his go to strategy, sort of an adept from shadowrun like thing. However the problem is with the durration, it is an action to cast and it lasts until the end of your next turn. There seems to be no way to increase this, and I'm a bit disappointed for him (we havent gotten to creating characters yet), I mean every other turn you are powerfull, but on the off turns you do nothing, that is not esspecially fun, if he was doing it to someone else I think it would be efficient, but as he's doing it to himself, I just don't see it being viable.

I'm thinking of adding an option +1 difficulty and change the duration to concentration, concentrating costs 1 strain, and he can only do it to himself. Maybe cost him a 3rd tier talent for the privilege.

What do you guys think, and am I missing something?

Also can augment effectively raise a stat to 6? I think it isn't really raising a stat it's just increasing your roll, so it should work with a stat at 5 right?

The simple answer to your question is a Manoeuvre called Concentrate found on page 218 of the core Rulebook. This solution works really well, except that it significantly hampers the characters ability to move around and interact with the environment due to using one of your Manouvers each turn.

The Druidic Circlet is a good example of a magic implement that can solve that problem, otherwise a talent could be designed to also make maintaining a specific spell easier (or even unnecessary?)

Wow, I am such an idiot, I didn't fully read concentrate I realize, so I thought it had to specify that it could be concentrated on, but if Augment can be concentrated on baseline, that's great!

What about my other question? Can a character with a stat at 5 benefit from Augment for that stat's rolls?

Yes they can, it’s one of the rare situations where you can roll 6 ability/proficiency dice


Another valuable aspect of Augment is the Haste effect. For one added Difficulty, all affected targets can take a second maneuver during their turn without spending strain (they may still only take 2 maneuvers per turn). Since Concentrate is a maneuver, if you cast an Augment spell with Haste, you can effectively Concentrate on it for free.

If a player plans to use Augment to buff his party often, he should acquire an Orb implement. The Orb allows you to use Additional Target at no added difficulty, which is especially beneficial with Augment since Additional Target normally adds 2 Difficulty to Augment spells.