Regionals Win with Screed

By CommanderDave, in Star Wars: Armada Battle Reports

I took a Screed Interdictor & Rogue-Heavy list to the Orlando regionals and managed to win quite solidly. I faced a Vader Cymoon, Interdictor, and Demo list, a Rieekan MSU list, and a Jerjerrod Dual ISD list. I did my write-ups here for your reading pleasure:

For reference, here is the list:

Points: 397/400

Commander: Admiral Screed

Assault Objective: Most Wanted
Defense Objective: Fighter Ambush
Navigation Objective: Superior Positions

Gladiator II-Class Star Destroyer (62 points)
- Demolisher ( 10 points)
- Agent Kallus ( 3 points)
- Ordnance Experts ( 4 points)
- Engine Techs ( 8 points)
- Flechette Torpedoes ( 3 points)
= 90 total ship cost

Gozanti-class Cruisers (23 points)
- Hondo Ohnaka ( 2 points)
- Comms Net ( 2 points)
= 27 total ship cost

[ flagship ] Interdictor-class Suppression Refit (90 points)
- Admiral Screed ( 26 points)
- Interdictor ( 3 points)
- Captain Brunson ( 5 points)
- Engine Techs ( 8 points)
- Disposable Capacitors ( 3 points)
- Heavy Ion Emplacements ( 9 points)
- Targeting Scrambler ( 5 points)
- Grav Shift Reroute ( 2 points)
= 151 total ship cost

1 Colonel Jendon ( 20 points)
1 Maarek Steele ( 21 points)
1 Ciena Ree ( 17 points)
1 Morna Kee ( 27 points)
1 Boba Fett ( 26 points)
1 Firespray-31 ( 18 points)
= 129 total squadron cost

It looks like your changes to include Boba , Cienna, and Maarek worked out well for you. What motivated you to upgrade those from the IG, Bossk, Firespray that you had previously? The latter seems like it would handle squad heavy better in some different match ups.

1 hour ago, Astrodar said:

It looks like your changes to include Boba , Cienna, and Maarek worked out well for you. What motivated you to upgrade those from the IG, Bossk, Firespray that you had previously? The latter seems like it would handle squad heavy better in some different match ups.

Yes, IG has done solid work for me, but I was finding his lack of brace troublesome in some matchups. His survivability against Corran in particular was underwhelming. I was usually pushing IG with a token from Demo on turn 2, so I figured rogue was unnecessary there. Ciena was a very solid replacement. Her immunity to quite a bit of flak is also fantastic. I should have made that trade ages ago.

Bossk has has also been a really good squadron for me, and I was pushing him around with Vector quite a bit at speed four, but I found even speed four was sometimes not enough (like in my last VAT match). Secondly, he gave me all blanks at one point against a squadron that I needed only one hit. He failed me for the last time. Well, that’s dramatic, but I felt like Maarek could fill his shoes and save me points.

Finally, I had some leftover points and Boba helps boost both my bombing and anti-squadron game. Plus double brace is pretty excellent.

Great reports. Well done.

I love your reports! I have run an Interdictor with the same upgrades suite, a Quasar and Gozanti with 8 squads (with Thrawn). I enjoy the list, but one big downside is that the Interdictor's HIEs don't always proc when I want them to.

Glad you could make Screed work for your list with the Interdictor +HIE, Demo+Fletchettes, and rogues! Brilliant!

Edited by Bertie Wooster
2 minutes ago, Bertie Wooster said:

Glad you could make Screed work for your list with the Interdictor +HIE, Demo+Fletchettes, and rogues! Brilliant!

After reading through his reports from some of the VAT games, I was super intrigued by this. His use of Screed to make full use of some "risky" upgrades like fletchettes is fantastic. Screed also makes the Interdictor with HIEs just about as dangerous from any direction you approach it.

I also definitely agree about the battle reports. They are quick and fun to read.

I had always thought of Fletchettes and Instigator going hand in hand, but with Screed, Kallus, and Ordnance Experts, it suddenly makes sense to put them on Demo. Incredibly clever. I'm curious to try it, but unfortunately I would probably be too careless with Demo. I think you have to be a really skilled pilot to pull it off well.

Love your report. Ended up reading several entries.

Grrat report thanls for the effory! Your squads are brutal and obviously did good work. Shocking to read how quick those isds went down!

Great batrep bud! Love that list too. I’ve saved it to my list builder to give it a try after I put a few weeks into getting Raddus out of my system.

@CommanderDave I really want to fly your list mate.

1 hour ago, carthwolf said:

@CommanderDave I really want to fly your list mate.

Definitely give it a try. It has some really important moving parts. I find the Grav Shift and asteroid positioning to be really important. Try to get at least three of them in a central location. I usually deploy my Goz and fighters centrally to be able to respond to opposing deployment easily. If you’re outdeployed and guess wrong about the opponent’s opening formation, things can go south pretty fast, but the Grav Shift does help with that. If outdeployed, put the Dictor and Demo on the flanks of the Gozanti and squads. Against squadron light or a no squadron fleet, keep Demo in reserve. If squadron heavy, keep the Interdictor in reserve. I think that is about my best advice to start with. Oh, using Engine Techs on turn one with he Dictor can often get you setup for a long range HIE shot on the following round. That’s a huge boost.

Congratulations on the win and great batrep.

@CommanderDave Played this list today at a little casual event. Tabled my opponent and I lost the Generic Fire Spray, the Demo, and Gazanti. The Interdicter was only damaged from ramming and minor scuffles, but engerring commands kept her pretty ship shape. The figther wing was able to deal with my opponents 60 point fighter wing fairly easily.

I probably wouldnt fly this list again with its current build unless i knew my meta flew more named pilots. Didnt get to do the fun Demo stuff and I felt like I was flying a weaker demo.

Edited by carthwolf
2 hours ago, carthwolf said:

@CommanderDave Played this list today at a little casual event. Tabled my opponent and I lost the Generic Fire Spray, the Demo, and Gazanti. The Interdicter was only damaged from ramming and minor scuffles, but engerring commands kept her pretty ship shape. The figther wing was able to deal with my opponents 60 point fighter wing fairly easily.

I probably wouldnt fly this list again with its current build unless i knew my meta flew more named pilots. Didnt get to do the fun Demo stuff and I felt like I was flying a weaker demo.

Glad you gave it a shot. If you like Demo to do Demo things to ships, that’ll optimally be a high-activation fleet for sure, not this fleet. I use Demo as a strong answer to Sloane or Yavaris Aces, which would otherwise wreak havoc on the Rogues. Against squadron light builds, I find Demo to be best used as a lifeboat or finisher (depending on the matchup).