I have a quick question about the order I which things activate. Mainly in reguards to the crypt dragon. If this has Been answered before sorry for the repeat question. I got a response on bgg but I thought I’d ask here as well.
So the crypt dragon has an 4 attack value, and a power that states “Apply -1 to the enemies attack value for each wound it has suffered”. A character makes an attack targeting it. Hits it for 2 damage but the monster gets to counterattack.
So are you counterattacked with the whole 4 damage or does the wounds from the attack lower it’s damage to 2 for the counter attack.
I was thinking that step 2 is resolve hero dice which would inflict wounds on the enemy lowering its damage value. 3rd step is resolving enemy dice which would be the counter attack.
I would think the character takes 2 counter attack damge is this right?
undead dragon
I think it's pretty clear that since resolving enemy dice is step 3 of taking an action and resolving hero dice is step 2, that you will resolve your hero's damage before the enemy applies its counter attack damage. When you go to apply the counter attack damage, you will check how many wounds the undead dragon has and then you will subtract that amount from its attack value.