hello fellow L5R players,
here is yet another mechanical, maniacal, question from yours truly.
minimum range on weapons: as per the rules, you cannot use a weapon on a target that is closer to you than the minimum range of the weapon, in example, you cannot shoot an arrow on a target at range 1 from you with a Yumi.
here is the situation, if you have 4 angry monks, surrounding you at range 0 or 1. can you still attack with your Yumi a target that is at range 3 (a random monk that wasn't so angry and decided to stay further away).
that also applies to melee weapons! if you have a polearm of strict range 2, and you have again, those 4 angry monks within range 0 or 1 of yourself. can you attack a target at range 2 ?
let me know your thoughts!