Need help building Imperial!

By AgentCooper29, in Army Building

I bought both Rebel and Imperial factions when the game came out and I’ve hit my budget limit. I’m trying to make a solid build with the following but can’t land on anything tournament worthy. Thoughts?

4 x Stormtroopers

1 x Snowtroopers

2 x Speeder Bikes

1 x AT-ST

General Veers

Darth Vader

Boba Fett

Emperor Palp

This is the best build I could make:


General Veers (80)

Stormtroopers (44)
- DLT-19 Stormtrooper (24)
- Stormtrooper (11)
= 79 total points

Snowtroopers (48)
- Flametrooper (20)
- Snowtrooper (12)
= 80 total points

Stormtroopers (44)
- DLT-19 Stormtrooper (24)
- Stormtrooper (11)
= 79 total points

Stormtroopers (44)
- HH-12 Stormtrooper (34)
- Stormtrooper (11)
= 89 total points

Stormtroopers (44)
- Stormtrooper (11)
= 55 total points

74-Z Speeder Bikes (90)

74-Z Speeder Bikes (90)

Boba Fett (140)
- Hunter (6)
- Emergency Stims (8)
= 154 total points

Commands: Ambush, Maximum Firepower, Evasive Maneuvers, Push, Assault, Imperial Discipline, Standing Orders

Edited by AgentCooper29

Id drop a stormtrooper and hh12 and add DLT to the last 2 squads.

Play the objective game and hide/deploy in cover and you should do well

Thanks! Do you think it’s worth keeping Boba instead of an AT-ST for cover?

On 12/2/2018 at 6:30 PM, AgentCooper29 said:

Thanks! Do you think it’s worth keeping Boba instead of an AT-ST for cover?

It's up to your playstyle. I think both are a lot of fun, but I do think that Boba gives a little more utility.

I agree with dropping the extra troopers. You can keep the HH-12 if you're worried about armor, but I almost never take the extra stormy. Trade a couple of those for another DLT, and it's basically trading 2 white dice and 1 wound for 2 red dice and impact. The snowy does help to pad that flamer, though.