Managing the library

By RunJerZeeNets, in Fallout

I just finished sleeving all the cards in Fallout and New California. As I was working my way through the decks, I wondered how everyone manages the library during play.

Does one just stack up the deck and thumb through it when directed?

Or would a binder work better? I can see the organizational advantages of the binder, but is a Deck more efficient?

We just run it as a deck, but i could very well see the advantages to having all of the cards set in a binder.

I've been thinking of putting the cards in a binder but if you include the New California expansion thats going to be quite a binder.

I have mine in a deck, though I split it into two decks so it’s less cards having to dig through.

Ok, let’s do some math. I don’t have the game handy, so I’ll be doing it from memory.

I believe there are 244 numbered cards in the library between the base game and New California. Cards 240 through 244 have duplicates, so let’s assume (as I don’t have the cards handy to check) that’s 260 individual cards. Standard card binders hold 9 cards per page, therefore we need 29 pages in the binder, for single card top loading.

Inked Gaming showcase binders are 1.5”, side loading and double sided, capacity of 342 cards. Therefore a basic 2” office binder with UltraPro pages should do the trick for single sided.

9 hours ago, RunJerZeeNets said:

Ok, let’s do some math. I don’t have the game handy, so I’ll be doing it from memory.

I believe there are 244 numbered cards in the library between the base game and New California. Cards 240 through 244 have duplicates, so let’s assume (as I don’t have the cards handy to check) that’s 260 individual cards. Standard card binders hold 9 cards per page, therefore we need 29 pages in the binder, for single card top loading.

Inked Gaming showcase binders are 1.5”, side loading and double sided, capacity of 342 cards. Therefore a basic 2” office binder with UltraPro pages should do the trick for single sided.

Yes that’s all true but that binder doesn’t fit inside the box. I have my deck in 2 card boxes that fit inside the game box.

However I’m still considering the binder.

My solution was to make a box from card-stock and tape to hold the cards upright while keeping all but the top-most info (number and name) hidden. With that, I added cards to stand taller than the regular cards and have the number range of the cards behind it written on them for finding them easier.

I used a 2” binder to hold the library, perk, and unique asset cards for my first game. It worked quite well; I didn’t have the perk cards separated from the library with a divider / tab, so getting to that section as a minor pain... but overall it worked well.

Second advantage is that with all the cards one needs to keep in order in the binder, I can fit all the New California components in the main game box. For transport, I put the the core box and binder in my Feldherr drawstring bag (that my Armada bag came in), ready to go.

Edited by RunJerZeeNets

i just stacked them in 8 decks of 20. fairly easy to get to the number i want.

Edited by labrys

I just taped together one of the flaps of the expansion box insert and turned it into a stand for the cards. I only needed to cut out a little part in the middle to make sure it wasnt too long. Also helps in storing the game.

I use three decks, one with 0-cards (1-99), second with 100-cards (100-199) and third deck with 200-cards of cards above 200. Much easier to handle than with one or two decks...