Hello everyone,
I recently returned from BGGCon where I played my first games of this amazing LCG, and loved the game. Having never really explored solo games, I am kind of excited to find something that I can do on my own. I am trying to find a good way to kickstart my collection.
I am hoping I can find a pretty thorough collection that someone is looking to get rid of. (Mostly complete through some point in production) I don't mind gathering up the newer stuff. Does anyone have a lead on a collection for sale? I have checked eBay, and the /s/lotrlcg subreddit, and occasionally stuff comes through there. I will be keeping my eyes open.
Anyone have any other leads? Or maybe someone here has a collection gathering dust that they could sell to a good home? Please PM me or respond here. I will keep an eye on both. Help me find my Christmas present this year 😃
Happy Holidays!