Ok, so I know this game is not D&D (and I don't want it to be).
But some rules made combat in D&D (Ffg Star Wars have the same kind of rules too) slightly more tactical, like;
-If you are using a ranged weapon in melee range you have some kind of disadvantages.
-If you want to disengage or get out of an opponent's weapon's reach you have some kind of constraints.
Could these concepts which could be applicable ? Do they make sense with the rest of l5r rules?
Like +1tn if using a ranged weapon when in melee range of an opponent? And/or some kind of penalty for leaving an opponent's reach? Fatigue/strain or extra movement?
Anybody playing using the tactical rules endend up with these situations?
Anybody have an easy/fast rule to help with these situations that doesn't require extra checks or make turns longer?
Edited by Avatar111