Looking for Squamatan stats

By DarthKaage, in Star Wars: Edge of the Empire RPG

I was wondering if anyone out there would like to take a stab at player species stats for the Squamatan species?


There is not a lot of information out on them yet. The only trait that seems to be documented at the moment is the ability to spit an acidic venom. Would anyone like to help me come up with something for them? Thank you.

Looks like they would have normal stats as the description doesn't really indicate any attributes that stand out. For the venom, take a look at the Shawda Ubb in The Complete Species Guide ( https://community.fantasyflightgames.com/topic/266658-the-complete-species-guide/?page=1 ). The Shawda Ubb, spit the venom but it sounds like Squamatan's is more of a bite.
Drop 5-10 XP from base XP for the Venom

Thanks, they project the acid like a spit attack as well. This gets me started, but I will need to come up with stats for the acid. It certainly wouldn’t be paralytic like the Shawda Ubb. I can make it a Ranged (Light) attack at engaged range. Do any of the books have acids in them?

2 minutes ago, DarthKaage said:

Thanks, they project the acid like a spit attack as well. This gets me started, but I will need to come up with stats for the acid. It certainly wouldn’t be paralytic like the Shawda Ubb. I can make it a Ranged (Light) attack at engaged range. Do any of the books have acids in them?

Just go with something like (Damage 4; Critical 4; Range [Short]; Burn 2, Limited Ammo 1, Pierce 2). The Limited Ammo gives them one "spit" per 24 hours.

5 hours ago, DarthKaage said:

Thanks, they project the acid like a spit attack as well. This gets me started, but I will need to come up with stats for the acid. It certainly wouldn’t be paralytic like the Shawda Ubb. I can make it a Ranged (Light) attack at engaged range. Do any of the books have acids in them?

The Ithorian species has a natural ranged attack, however they use Resilience instead of Ranged (Light) as the skill for that attack. It also has Slow-Firing 2 and causes 3 strain every time it's used to balance it. If I had to stat their acid spit, I'd keep those qualities but change the damage, critical, and special qualities to reflect the acid.