LotA map tiles spoiler list?

By Siygess, in Legends of the Alliance

Hi folks,

I have just started running three parallel campaigns of Jabba's Realm for some players at our local club and I am rediscovering how much of a pain in the butt it is to stop gameplay while I root around for tiles. I have everything bagged up in packs of 5, by set, but even then it still takes 10 - 15 minutes while the other players are sitting around - not too big of a deal at the start of the game, but it really breaks the immersion when they enter a new area in the mission and I have to do this. Has anybody created a spoiler list of map tiles needed for each mission so that I can bag them up in advance? I did a quick search and couldn't find anything..

This isn't going to be that helpful for you, but nowadays I have played the app (and otherwise) so much that I go more with their shape than number.

I have refolded the insert to make 1/3 and 2/3-width compartments in the RtH box, have core tiles 1-12 and 19-30 in the 2/3-width portion, the smaller tiles in two piles for easy access, and for Jabba's Realm you mainly need the big Jabba's Realm tiles thrown in. I think there are a few missions that need extra 1x2 endcaps.

(Flight of the Freedom Fighter had the possibility of finding the "correct" door to be different in different plays, so it's not straightforward to make tile lists for it.)

I'm with A1bert on this one. I have organized my tiles primarily by shape. Jabba's realm has some duplicates that are the same as some of the core ones, especially the small end pieces, but it is much easier to find stuff when you separate it by shape. It can be frustrating, I agree, but I prefer this system to fixed maps, because it is so much more interchangeable and allows lots for a great deal of potential scenarios.

@Siygess I haven't yet played with the tiles from Jabba's Realm but I've played the FotFF app campaign several times with other box expansions. I keep all my tiles in one big plastic storage container (mostly unsorted). During setup and when revealing new tiles, I used to hunt for the tile labels that the app instructed me to place (03A, 05B, 18A[2], etc.) and, as you've experienced, I found this to be a pain. I then realized that several tiles were functionally the same with just varied artwork. So, I just started looking at the picture and grabbing tiles that look similar (making sure that the terrain type is the same of course). I find this method much easier and less time consuming. It's nothing innovative and may be obvious to most people, but it's just a little tip that some, like me, may not have realized at first.

I've gotten way better at knowing each tile and being able to find them quickly, but those first few plays through FotFF were kinda rough. Each time I wished that the app had told me a list of tiles to find before the mission. Though I realized that would/could spoil some of the exploration in the mission. One idea I had was to compile a list of tiles that included a few extras. That way you didn't need to search through as big of a pile but it still maintained some mystery with the exploration.

22 minutes ago, ookus said:

One idea I had was to compile a list of tiles that included a few extras.

Isn't that what it does already? 😂

Currently doing the Hoth adventure. I found that I use an old folder with A4 slips to keep my core set tiles together; in most instances, one sleeve holds two numbers (though a few have three), that way I can retrieve them easier. Clearing the board means putting them back in order, but it's worth the time saved.

In the Hoth game, I lay out all the Hoth tiles in order, again making it easier to reach for the tiles as required. All of this ifs fine if you have space, I looked at various options, but the ring binder ended up the easiest with what I had available.

For the core tiles I use 4x 1 gallon ziploc bags with 01-09, 10-19, 20-29, and 30-39 in them, respectively. This has cut down on my search time immensely.

I recently created a tile storage described in this thread on BGG: https://boardgamegeek.com/thread/1613489/rabidblackdogs-descent-corner

It's a really great way to store your tiles. I had mine in Ziploc bags before, but they frequently tore open on the sides.

Edited by DerDelphi