Val question.

By ozmodon, in Star Wars: Destiny

Awe p - Take 1 resource from an opponent. If that opponent has no resources, deal 2 damage to one of their characters.

I have been told that both effects take place. I don't see how it's possible because there is no (then) between the two effect. Thoughts on this.

You do the two sentences in order, not simultaneously.

So do the first sentence, take a resources, if they only had one resource, they now have zero.

Do the second sentence, since they now have zero, deal two damage.

In addition to what Lusiphur said, the reason there is no “then” on Val’s card is that if there were, you wouldn’t be able to deal damage unless you’d stollen resources. As is, you will deal two damage to an opponent if they have no resources for you to steal. It makes it so her special doesn’t become totally worthless if your opponent has no resources.

i actually did not notice she caused damage if she stole your last resource.

Kinda ups her value a little to me. Initially saw her as trash.

In the Star Wars Destiny Official Rulings you can read:

Val Clarification:

This special ability does not use the word "then," so a player does not have to take 1 resource in order to deal 2 damage.

Thanks, this was posted before the official ruling came out. Thanks everyone!