Hello guys!
I've saw these days that Realms of Terrinoth is $25,00 in the DriveThruRPG and Christmas will be in about 30 days... I really like the Genesys system but I haven't this book yet. Brian helped me once with the Genesys Core and here I am again, asking with all my honesty if someone could give me this book (the pdf version) as a Christmas gift.
Here's the Wish List in any case: https://www.drivethrurpg.com/wishlist_public.php?public_id=33687&list_id=2179729&buying_for=lzarpellon%40terra.com.br
I want to tell that everyone who thought to help me that I really appreciate the kindness. Even though no one want to buy it, I'll say thanks! Sometimes we have more failures than successes, but I'll have in my mind that I've tryed anyways xD
Thanks everyone!