You Know You're Playing Legend of the Five Rings When...

By Magnus Grendel, in Your Stories

  • When your PCs manage to get betrothed accidentally
  • When "don't worry, I might end up getting killed horribly by Oni!" is seen as a credible alternative to dealing with said unexpected betrothal.

Your party basically consisits of Jackie Chan fans. The fight went from pretty normal to full on bizarre inside three rounds

8 hours ago, Ni Fang said:

Your party basically consisits of Jackie Chan fans.

"Your first mistake was attacking Jackie Chan at all. Your second mistake was choosing to attack Jackie Chan in a room where there was 'stuff'. The exact nature of the 'stuff' is irrelevant; you're still going down in a crescendo of clonks, thwacks and ka-boings..."

8 hours ago, Magnus Grendel said:

"Your first mistake was attacking Jackie Chan at all. Your second mistake was choosing to attack Jackie Chan in a room where there was 'stuff'. The exact nature of the 'stuff' is irrelevant; you're still going down in a crescendo of clonks, thwacks and ka-boings..."

You must be in my group too because this is word for word how it went down

We had a similar experience with an NPC monk:

    • Horonigai and Goriate traipsed up to the monastery, the crab coming over all imposing and magisterial.
    • He demanded access.
    • Dogan, the elderly head monk, declined.
    • Goriate insisted.
    • Dogan, declined again.
    • Horonigai, who could see the inevitable coming, noted she was stepping back slightly.
    • Goriate insisted again, more forcefully, accepting he would take an honour hit for Courtesy by pushing his way past, but sure that the monk was sheltering a murderer.
    • The result was......the first time the PCs encountered the 'Kiho' technique category. Let's just leave it at that.......

Somehow a D&D player and DM are laughing crazily...

  • Upon entering the city of lies the first thing your Catdemon does is check the WANTED posters
    • Hana {her sister} asks "why are you checking those posters ? Are you a wanted criminal here ?"
    • Asami simply replies as she checks the last wanted poster with the sound of relief in her voice "Not yet"
  • Our Lion Bushi broke down laughing when he failed his composure test
  • Our storyteller smirked

4 hours later something happens and thankfully Asami was ignored as the guards were more focused on the fact that Hana was wandering freely without her handlers

When your players speculate about creating a set of custom cards for " Cards Against Rokugan " using the Cards Against Humanity format, potentially to be mixed in to a standard CAH deck.

Suggestions we've had in passing:

  • Black (Call) Cards
    • The seven tenets of bushido are _______, _______, _______, _______, _______, _______ and _______.
    • The Lion Clan consider _______ a justification for seppuku.
    • One Kuni Purifier is known to try and treat the Shadowlands Taint using _______.
    • Invoking the Kami incorrectly can have dire consequences, potentially including _______.
    • The Unicorn Clan brought _______ back to Rokugan from distant Gaijin lands.
    • A recent Imperial Edict mandates _______ across the Empire of Rokugan.
    • Asako Inquisitors consider _______ heretical ever since an Isawa used it for _______
    • The Bloodspeakers have returned, and are seeking _______
    • _______ gave their name to an Oni because of _______
    • The Emperor has instituted a new festival to celebrate _______
    • A desperate samurai promised their first-born to a maho-tsukai to try and get rid of _______
  • White (Response) Cards
    • A Twenty-Goblin Winter
    • A horse-obsessed Unicorn Samurai
    • A Unicorn Samurai with a horse allergy
    • A famous Geisha
    • The current Champion of the Crane Clan
    • A badly-played game of Go
    • The family curse
    • An arrogant Isawa and their put-upon Shiba yojimbō
    • Adorably bloodthirsty Matsu and their terrifying cats.
    • Yet another bloody Scorpion Clan plot
    • Unexpected Shinobi assassins
    • The finest quality Ryoko Owari opium
    • A duel to the death
    • Accidentally calling the Imperial Family 'Hentai' in front of witnesses
    • A dark secret that will inevitably come to light at the worst possible moment
    • Kakita Yoshi being a fool
    • Far too much sake
    • An agent of the Kolat
    • Half-a-dozen hideous, tentacle-covered oni
    • Catastrophic misunderstandings of a simple letter
    • Accidentally engaging a Deer Clan matchmaker
    • Maho!?!
    • Telling someone to most politely bugger off.
    • Failing to tell someone to bugger off in an appropriately polite fashion.
    • Eighteen thousand, four hundred and sixty two shadowland goblins armed with pointy sticks
    • A "Yo Mama" fight with the Empire's leading Sadane experts
    • A scruffy hinin

....Further suggestions are welcome.

Edited by Magnus Grendel

"Unwittingly engaging a matchmaker" feels like something your group should've come up with... 😉

Asako Inquisitors consider ___ heretical ever since an Isawa used it to ___

Telling someone to most politely bugger off.

Failing to tell someone to bugger off in an appropriately polite fashion.

Oh and of course "Mahō!"

Edited by Myrion
  • Eighteen thousand, four hundred and sixty two shadowland goblins armed with pointy sticks
  • A "Yo Mama" fight with the Empire's leading Sadane experts
  • A scruffy hinin

I agree that "accidentally getting betrothed" is definitely one to add.

Twenty Goblin Winters.

A horse-obsessed Unicorn.

Adorably bloodthirsty Matsu. And their terrifying warcats.

An arrogant Isawa and their put-upon Shiba yojimbō.

The Bloodspeakers are back and their newest target is ___.

___ gave their name to an Oni because of ___.

The Emperor instituted a new festival to celebrate ___.

__ Promised their first born to an Oni only to __ and promise the same firstborn to The __ in exchange for __ to be removed

Screw up a Go Game

A high ranking Geisha

Current Daimyo of the Crane Clan

Family Curse {a bushdio tenet ?}

The only Cards Against Rokugan black and white cards that I can think of

Edited by Ni Fang
  • When you create a character for a "veteran samurai" game who's an Otomo with the Imperial Lineage heritage option and the Advisor title and the GM realises they're not only vastly higher in status than the other PCs but also higher status than the person the PCs were supposed to be working for.
  • The initial briefing acquires a degree of " You know, if you're not too busy....can I refil your drink whilst I'm up? "
On 12/16/2019 at 1:13 AM, Magnus Grendel said:

When your players speculate about creating a set of custom cards for " Cards Against Rokugan " using the Cards Against Humanity format, potentially to be mixed in to a standard CAH deck.

Heh. I mentally filled in every single blank with my favorite card, "Pixelated *AHEM-HEM-HRMM!*"

My favorite moment of any CAH game is when someone yells out, "What the heck is 'Pixelated... Boo-cake?" Laughter ensues, followed by nominating the most awkward possible person to explain the term. I had to explain it to my mom. She was disappointed in the world.

What were we talking about?

40 minutes ago, The Grand Falloon said:

I had to explain it to my mom. She was disappointed in the world.

With respect, playing 'Cards Against Humanity' with your parents can be considered a questionable decision at best...


.... When the Bayushi clan is basically the Mob

.....When Hantei wants his tax money and the Bayushi wont complie it

NOTHING will stop Uncle Hantei when he comes for his due!

... It has now boiled down to two words for your group members: Isekai story, which considering its Rokugan makes it quite feasible, forget turning into a vending machine or a slime or a sword, imagine dying and waking up as a powerful Samurai or similar!

Yes, Ni Fang is not allowed to have anything to drink outside of Pepsi or Raspeberry Lemonade

When the most dangerous person in the room full of trained swordsmen is the 'actor'.

  • Crane Courtier: " I swear on my family's honour I shall avenge the death of my brother - though I cannot do so alone ."
  • Unicorn Bushi: " You have my scimitar! "
  • Phoenix Monk: " And my bow! "
  • Spider Maho-Tsukai: " And your brother!"
  • ".....what? "
  • When playing a Samurai pirate won't probably the special snowflake of the group.
  • The special snowflake of the group is actually the Tainted belligerent Asahina Shugenja specialized in Fire spells.
3 hours ago, Magnus Grendel said:

Spider Maho-Tsukai: " And your brother!"

I have done that with my jackal necromancer :)

As it turned out, he was pretty incensed despite the fact it was a nice untainted killing machine.... Rokugani.....

When discovering I'm considering a house rule to allow Rise, Fire to summon The 'Tiny Fire Kami' at a reduced TN.


"May all your takoyaki burn....."

Man, reading this thread brings back memories

  • When you have a week off because three out of your four players are unavailable, and both in and out of character they don't trust the Scorpion PC to play through the story when they're not there to keep an eye on him.
    • "If we leave you to it, we're going to get back next week and find ourselves asking 'Err....why has every named NPC in Twin Blessings Village and Closed Shell Castle been assassinated? I mean, literally all of them?'"
    • "Not going to lie; without you here to keep a lid on it that is 100% what would happen."
5 hours ago, Magnus Grendel said:
  • When you have a week off because three out of your four players are unavailable, and both in and out of character they don't trust the Scorpion PC to play through the story when they're not there to keep an eye on him.
    • "If we leave you to it, we're going to get back next week and find ourselves asking 'Err....why has every named NPC in Twin Blessings Village and Closed Shell Castle been assassinated? I mean, literally all of them?'"
    • "Not going to lie; without you here to keep a lid on it that is 100% what would happen."


I have something similar in my Scorpion campaign. Every plan starts with: “what if we kill him/her?” And then they start de-escalating.