3 half Action [Looking-for-FLAWS]

By Gregorius21778, in Dark Heresy House Rules

Hi their,

my players tend to be used to "some more action during a combat round". They tend to describe me actions that cannot be managed by RAW.

I own the old 2nd WFRPG, where the system is very similiar. Their, an optional rule was offered to simply give every pc & npc 3 half action each round.

Now, I am thinkg about just that with the following "extra rules"

1)One can only use one "move" and one "attack" manouver per round (no "full move plus half move")
2)"Charge", "Running" and "Full defense"(?correct term?) need three half actions
3) "Aiming" gives +5 per half action, maximum +20 (four actions)

My fear: will this ruin the game balance?

Crictical input very welcome!

Gregorius21778 said:

Hi their,

my players tend to be used to "some more action during a combat round". They tend to describe me actions that cannot be managed by RAW.

I own the old 2nd WFRPG, where the system is very similiar. Their, an optional rule was offered to simply give every pc & npc 3 half action each round.

Now, I am thinkg about just that with the following "extra rules"

1)One can only use one "move" and one "attack" manouver per round (no "full move plus half move")
2)"Charge", "Running" and "Full defense"(?correct term?) need three half actions
3) "Aiming" gives +5 per half action, maximum +20 (four actions)

My fear: will this ruin the game balance?

Crictical input very welcome!

I'm not sure I quite understand what you CAN do with these actions. Any examples? Most special actions are attack actiions, so there are very few left you can do. Aim of course, but you can do that already just as well. Ready weapon action? If so, then why take Quickdraw (or whatever the talent is called).

An another note, did you get my last email?

Hi "Friend",

got your email, but spend last weekend to help friends of mine to move from the town of Paderborn to Freiburg, so I think I will not find the time to answer until this weekend.

@What the other actions for?
Mainly for movement actions. My player are used to be able to move around a bit while shooting or before enganging into combat.

The main thing you will find is that full auto gets even better. Using full auto normally pins you inplace, more or less.

Gregorius21778 said:

Hi "Friend",

got your email, but spend last weekend to help friends of mine to move from the town of Paderborn to Freiburg, so I think I will not find the time to answer until this weekend.

@What the other actions for?
Mainly for movement actions. My player are used to be able to move around a bit while shooting or before enganging into combat.

Ah OK I get you now. In which case I agree with the previous poster, this makes full auto and semi auto burst much better. Actually it makes every action which normally requires a full action (barring those few you increased time to 3 or 4 actions).

While I think realistically you should be able to shoot full-auto while walking 3 meters or whatnot (half move), FA burst simply is good enough already if not too good. Semi-auto as a half action would be an ok change IMO, which makes SA weapons (Lasguns etc) much more worthwhile.

So to your question, yes it will unbalance somewhat. If you require Full-Auto to use 3 actions then it's ok.

Still there are combos that will become more powerful:

All out attack+ move=better than charge (for people with bad dodge)

Feint can be used with Full attack.. .in fact there is no reason not to feint every round unless you have to move.

Disengage +move. This allows you to escape from melee without problems.

Probably other stuff as well. 3 actions makes full actions much better.

Friend of the Dork said:

Gregorius21778 said:

Hi "Friend",

got your email, but spend last weekend to help friends of mine to move from the town of Paderborn to Freiburg, so I think I will not find the time to answer until this weekend.

So to your question, yes it will unbalance somewhat. If you require Full-Auto to use 3 actions then it's ok.

Still there are combos that will become more powerful:

All out attack+ move=better than charge (for people with bad dodge)

Feint can be used with Full attack.. .in fact there is no reason not to feint every round unless you have to move.

Disengage +move. This allows you to escape from melee without problems.

Probably other stuff as well. 3 actions makes full actions much better.

okay, I see the problems. I think I have to re-think the whole affair. Thank you

Gregorius21778 said:

Friend of the Dork said:

Gregorius21778 said:

Hi "Friend",

got your email, but spend last weekend to help friends of mine to move from the town of Paderborn to Freiburg, so I think I will not find the time to answer until this weekend.

So to your question, yes it will unbalance somewhat. If you require Full-Auto to use 3 actions then it's ok.

Still there are combos that will become more powerful:

All out attack+ move=better than charge (for people with bad dodge)

Feint can be used with Full attack.. .in fact there is no reason not to feint every round unless you have to move.

Disengage +move. This allows you to escape from melee without problems.

Probably other stuff as well. 3 actions makes full actions much better.

Hi Friend,

okay, I see the problems. I think I have to re-think the whole affair. Thank you

No problems, I'm happy to be the sand in the machinery... erhh destroy your carefully laid plans.. erhh.. ah poke holes in your dreams and visions for the game :)

My main problem is the fact a round is exactly 6 seconds. Thus 3 'half' actions would count as 2 seconds each. I don't know many people who can do 2-3 meters in 2 seconds, let alone double that in 4.

I guess, as much as I know "it's just a game" that I'm quite comfortable with the idea that it takes 3 seconds minimum (not counting quick draw) to do something.

Kylen said:

My main problem is the fact a round is exactly 6 seconds. Thus 3 'half' actions would count as 2 seconds each. I don't know many people who can do 2-3 meters in 2 seconds, let alone double that in 4.

I guess, as much as I know "it's just a game" that I'm quite comfortable with the idea that it takes 3 seconds minimum (not counting quick draw) to do something.

Your main problem then is using D&D rules. In DH a round is "approximately 5 seconds", not exactly 6 seconds.

A half action in DH can be 1-3 seconds I guess.

Kylen said:

My main problem is the fact a round is exactly 6 seconds. Thus 3 'half' actions would count as 2 seconds each. I don't know many people who can do 2-3 meters in 2 seconds, let alone double that in 4.

Er... in what way? The average walking speed of a human is around 1.6m per second, so double that in a combat situation seems perfectly reasonable.