I've never done this before, so I figured it would be fun to tell the story of the campaign I'm in, about a group of new Yoriki dealing with the flawed world of Rokugan. Hopefully, it's fun for people to read.
The Cast
Kaito Hanako
Kaito Shrinekeeper, slightly neurotic girl with worries about not being good enough. Has a sworn enemy in another student at her school who was definitively better than her but not chosen by the magistrate because Hanako was the more friendly of the pair.
Kitsuki Yakumo
Togashi Monk. Was going to be an investigator but joined the monks because he was fascinated with philosophy and the secrets of the unseen world. Incredibly idealistic about the truth.
Kakita Ayami
Tortoise Courtier. In a very unhappy marriage with a Kakita who was denied access to the duellist schools and instead became a daidoji iron warrior.
Shiba Kensei
Shiba Guardian. Acting as guardian to his niece, attempting to rise in prestige to help her future. Practical to a fault, putting it above many aspects of honor.
Introduction - Inheritance Woes
The cast have all been chosen as Yoriki by Seppun Gen'Ichi, a veteran emerald magistrate who is starting to get on in his years. They all arrive at his manor full of hopes and dreams...until he starts talking about what it means to be an Emerald Magistrate. In his job, he has seen the worst humanity has to offer and done work others would consider beneath a true samurai. He is old and a bit bitter at this point, despite being proud of all he has done. This job is dull most of the time and when it isn't dull, it is often deeply disappointing to your faith in your fellow samurai.
Their job is a rather simple one, simply to be there and oversee the resolving of inheritance claims by two twins in Lion lands who's father died without ever naming either of them his heir. If all goes well, it will just be turning up and having some polite conversation before leaving. However, it quickly becomes clear when they arrive that something is up. The guards seem a bit dishevelled and the servants are hurried and nervous. Still, they meet the lord, Akodo Kazu, and the twins, who are polite and engage in pleasant conversation.
Then, a runner suddenly arrives out of breath. Bandits are attacking the town and, worst of all, there are no guards in that part of town to protect the people! Akodo Kazu is clearly unhappy about this failure to properly organise the guards but declares that this will be the test for the twins. Whichever one does a better job of stopping the bandits will get the lion's share of the inheritance. Both sons quickly move off to prepare, leaving the Yoriki waiting with the Lord Kazu.
And waiting
And waiting
Finally, after several minutes, both sons return shamefaced and in partial armour. Neither has managed to find their full armour and, worse still, both have managed to somehow misplace their katana. Kazu is furious about this and Gen'Ichi quietly motions for his Yoriki to move out, as this is what Emerald Magistrates are for.
A fatalistic Ronin and half a dozen bandits are tearing through the town, stealing anything they can get their hands on in a smash and grab attempt. This assault is quickly interrupted by an arrow from an unseen archer passing over the Ronin's shoulder and scaring his followers. Hanako, laying low between each of her shots manages to delay and rattle the bandits long enough with her quiet sniping for the other three to make the rush into close combat with them. Kensei is the one who manages to take on the Ronin himself, his katana taking the eye of the man as he cuts him down.
The town stopped, they return and find Lord Kazu has made his decision about what to do with the inheritance. For an utter failure to perform their duty, failing to maintain their gear and, inconceivably, managing to lose their katanas the pair are going to be declared Ronin. This would be the end of it, had it not been for the sharp eyes of Yakumo. He noticed, just before the bandits were sighted, a nervous looking servant girl heading towards where the sons each had their quarters and doing her best not to be spotted going that way. This requires some investigation.
Edited by Ikiry0