In a Bind & Aid From Above

By JerichoMesa, in Star Wars: Destiny

For In a Bind and Aid From Above , does the opponent have to choose an effect that can be completed? For example, if I play In a Bind, and my opponent has two dice in their pool and one card in their hand, can they choose...

  • They discard 2 cards from their hand.
  • You deal 2 indirect damage () to them.

...from the options and ignore the first (as it specifies 2 cards without additional qualifications, so the effect cannot be fully resolved). Or do they resolve as much of their choice as possible? Or does the opponent have to choose effects that can be resolved (as the card says, "Force an opponent to choose 2")?

On the flip side, if I play Aid from Above, and I only have one (or no) cards to draw, can they choose...

  • You draw 2 cards.
  • You gain 2 resources.

...and then I cannot draw a card (as it specifies 2 cards without additional qualifications, so the effect cannot be fully resolved). Or do I resolve as much of their choice as possible? Or does the opponent have to choose effects that can be resolved (as the card says, "Force an opponent to choose 2")?

Pg. 20 of the rules reference has some guidance on "choose" cards, but it is specific about cards that have the word "either" in them and cards that target (and the guidance on both are contradictory).

I wish FFG would release updated rules to provide explanation about these new game mechanics.

Your opponent chooses one of the two options and then does everything they can to reach that quantity. So if they have 2 dice and 0 cards, they can choose to discard 0 cards. Because 0 is a number and you can choose to discard and do as much as you can when doing it. It kind of sucks, so makes these types of cards more situational than you would think and not always great. They sometimes are great early on and then can really suck later (or vice versa).
