Had a scenario with Elite ISBs. The activation instructions listed a free action wherein an ISB attacks a Rebel if able, once per group activation. Neither figure had LOS to any Rebels so I ignored it. The first ISB moved to attack then moved to reposition. This ISB figure ended it's activation in an attack position on a Rebel. So when I activate the second ISB figure does the previously ignored free action come back into play. I'm figuring it does because it didn't state that it had to be done at the beginning of the activation or anything (sorry don't have a screen grab of the wording). Particularly devastating as I had positioned Rebels out of line of sight knowing this coordinated attack could happen. Perhaps just really hard to avoid without killing off one of the ISB figures.
Elite ISBs
The Coordinated Raid instruction line is there for the activations of both ISB Infiltrator figures. Because it was not performed before, the limit does not prevent resolving it for the second ISB figure.
Yes, it's annoying and allows two attacks even when you defeat one figure from the group. It's more powerful in the app than the original Coordinated Raid.
Edited by a1bert
A good number of the lackluster deployments are significantly better (or at least play differently) in the app compared to campaign/skirmish. Elite ISBs were very troublesome to deal with.