Quick build cards to app

By irdonny, in X-Wing Squad Builder

This is a request to add the quick build cards to the app for easy access and quick squad building.

Trying to play with a buddy this weekend and I know he will want to build his own squad but he is new and I like the addition of quick build cards just for this. I know I can pull up the list online, but it would make everything easier and smoother if I could access the list (or ideally use it to squad build) in the app.

That would be a nice format addition for the squad builder. Especially for the quick-builds for conversion kit ships.

This would be a top feature for our casual play since those cards were not in the conversion kit ... too bad, i was so expecting those.

Edited by willmanx

Yeah, that.

I'll second that request

On 11/15/2018 at 7:26 AM, irdonny said:

This is a request to add the quick build cards to the app for easy access and quick squad building.

Excellent request.

I am hoping to go to a 'quick-build' event tomorrow. The organiser is assuming that the QBs are in the app, and told me to look there.

This should have been there from the start (along with a lot of other stuff).

On 11/30/2018 at 1:32 AM, Aetherer said:

I am hoping to go to a 'quick-build' event tomorrow. The organiser is assuming that the QBs are in the app, and told me to look there.

This should have been there from the start (along with a lot of other stuff).

Did you end up doing the quick build event? How'd it go?

I did, and it was a good go. It started with four players, two of us were 'new to 2.0'. two more turned up after game 2.

I used the downloaded QB PDFs, which I printed off. Which was handy, as the organizer only had them on his phone. I had made a Rebel and Imperial side each, not knowing who I was playing against. I played as Rebels.

It was advertised as a 'Wave 1 ships only' event, but there ware a lot of pre-selected models from all waves for players to use.

We played a few games, starting with a level 4 game, moving up to a level 6 and then level 8 games. Being an organised event, there were objectives to enter a draw. That took all of two games to complete :)

So, QB worked well, as it saved having to mess about with points, and QB ship load-outs were designed quite well.

And, we got to avoid the app altogether.

Edited by Aetherer

I would like that added to the ap as well. Now if only FFG could fix all the other issues first.

second that