Hello All,
I was wondering if there is any interest in a Blood Bound-inspired (vampire-themed) LCG? Rumors had it that FFG tried to acquire the World of Darkness license (Vampire: The Masquerade) but [somethingsomething] was ultimately unable.
IDK about you guys, but I think vampires are cool and despite White Wolf and Paradox Interactive trying to get Vampire: The Masquerade 5th Edition RPG going, I have a lot of reservations about that IP and setting. I think (wonder) if it would be viable (profitable) to make a game inspired by Vampire: The Eternal Struggle (VTES) using FFG's Blood Bound IP. (Obviously, this would require developing the Blood Bound IP... and maybe even changing the name?)
Some of you may know that Richard Garfield, the man behind original NetRunner and Magic: The Gathering, also created VTES. Now, I've played VTES but the card designs are a far cry from the ingenuity of FFG's LCG designers, and the game that is touted as being
best multiplayer political game by its fans has basically left the political aspect of the game by the wayside. In other words, in the average 5-player game, you might have one player playing a 'political' deck, while the other four are playing weenie rush or stealth-bleed (both decks trying to oust players as quickly as possible). Maybe one brave soul is trying to play a tool-box style deck. Of course, as in most multiplayer game there will be table-talk as people try to weasel their way out of a situation by offering favors and promising not to do such and such, but the actual political
are rarely present or used.
Furthermore, VTES, as far as I can tell, has not innovated much or course-corrected from Garfield's problematic / questionable design decisions. Now, I'm not ragging on ol' Richie G, he's a great designer, but it's safe to say that A:NR was improved by FFG's designers. Likewise, MTG's modern designers (such as Mark Rosewater) have improved on Richard's original vision, cutting some iffy rules, simplifying some things, adding bits here and there for clarity, etc. To make matters worse, VTES is essentially blood bound (hehe) to the VTM setting and lore... which as great as it is also has a lot of conceptual problems that I won't get into unless pressed. That said, I do think the rules of VTES are too cool for the setting; NetRunner was improved by adding the Android universe to it, I think rules like those of VTES could be improved by a setting other than Vampire: The Masquerade's.
So could / should / would FFG look at VTES' rules and VTMs setting, and learn from it, and develop their own vampiric IP as a future multiplayer-oriented politicking LCG? I would love one.
- Specifically Multiplayer : While FFG does have a few competitive LCGs and two co-op LCGs, they have yet to produce a specifically multiplayer LCG (intended for 4-7 players, lets say.)
- Political Maneuvering : Most LCGs and CCGs are dudes fighting dudes. ANR was radically different. Maybe this Vampire LCG with its emphasis on multiplayer politics could be super innovative too.
- Vampire Themed : White Wolf and Paradox Interactive don't own the concept of vampires, nor different types of vampires, or vampire powers, or even the idea that vampires rule modern society behind the scenes from the shadows (interestingly, that concept is not what they call The Masquerade, which is just the idea that "monsters live among us in the modern world"...). Vampires in the modern (or even the future era - Android Vampire, anyone?) is significantly different from 1920s America, Rokugan, or A Galaxy Far Far Away.
- Different Psychographics : I do not think the overlap between the people who like LotR, ANR, Arkham Horror LCG, or L5R would be greater than 50% if that much. I don't want FFG to cannibalize it's player-base. I do think that vampires are thematically different enough to appeal to a different core audience. Multiplayer (non-dueling) competitive gameplay pushes this further. Likewise, efforts taken to appeal to female gamers would be interesting. The market is overwhelming male-dominated but vampires, historically, have appealed greatly to female audiences. It would be interesting to see if that holds true.
- Lore Deposits : There is so much inspiration to draw from with vampires stories going back centuries, and, best of all, FFG would not be weighed down by a twenty-year-old "metaplot".
- New Art Assets : FFG probably couldn't recycle a lot of art, unlike with their Arkham Horror property. Maybe not a big deal, considering FFGs art is generally amazing. VTES's art is mostly mediocre, I'm sad to say.
- Competition : There is now a company called Black Chantry founded by veteran VTES players trying to keep their game alive. BC is beholden to WW which is beholden to Paradox Interactive. All three would probably be peeved at someone else trying to move into the vampire scene.
- Viability : Is it financially viable? I'm not sure. I do think it would be cool though.
Anyways, comment and tell me below, like, share, subscribe, etc, etc.
2x spelling, grammar, clarity; added pic