Dungeon Builder App

By nirana, in Descent: Journeys in the Dark


I've tried out the dungeon builder application, and it is pretty awesome but,

i have all the expansions for the game and i would like to do some complicated dungeon, is the dungeon builder going to be updated to work with the rest of the expansions?

No news on this since Well of Darkness. If you want a tool for building dungeons including the more recent expansions then you might want to look at the WART tileset - available on BGG and then use any Word Processing package to create the text for the adventure. I've been using it for a while now and its fine. Who knows one day I may feel brave enough to publish something. :-)

The map builder from FFG is no longer being supported, AFAIK, so we won't be getting additional images/tiles for the new expansions.

There is another tool out there called TileSystem that is a little more open-ended, you can add your own tiles/objects with very minor modifications to an XML file. There's a Tile Set for Doom + Expansion, and I've seen a Tile Set for Descent + Expansions (except RtL/SoB) on BGG.


slaphead6 said:

No news on this since Well of Darkness. If you want a tool for building dungeons including the more recent expansions then you might want to look at the WART tileset - available on BGG and then use any Word Processing package to create the text for the adventure. I've been using it for a while now and its fine. Who knows one day I may feel brave enough to publish something. :-)

Can't wait for the WARTS tileset (those initials still make me laugh).


Thank you for the help, this will make it so much easier :)

nirana said:

Thank you for the help, this will make it so much easier :)

Yeah - it's extremely easy to setup and use... This and the scenario creator and you will have some nice looking dungeons. I have one I want to post at some point - but not until I have a chance to play test it. The 2 pieces of software make for very nice - full color - and even close to official (ex. scenario software) looking scenarios.