I'm starting to gather ideas for some modular terrain ideas and want to see what more experienced Legionnaires have done/are doing for terrain, what works, what doesn't, etc. Thankfully our FLGS has their own terrain and mats, so I am in no hurry to finish any of this.
My current idea is to have 6 - 9 different 12" x 12" pieces (to reduce storage needs) that are magnetized along the edge so that they stay together when they are on the table. Then I plan on having mildly different terrain on each of the pieces so that there is some variation. Then I plan to build some scatter terrain that matches. Has anyone done/seen anything like this?
Now I'd like to talk about theme.
My Imperials have Mustafar lava bases and my Rebels will have Crait bases. I was initially thinking I'd do a Mustafar terrain set, but I don't really know how that'd work out. Here are some of my thoughts/concerns.
- Lava rivers: it really wouldn't look like Mustafar without them. Has anyone used any rules concerning lava rivers? I think they'd need to just be impassable terrain and I'll make bridges that can span them. I would also think it reasonable to allow repulsor vehicles to pass over it, but nothing else.
- Steam/smoke vents: we don't really see any on screen, but they make sense to me and they'd be a good light cover option. Any ideas on how to accomplish this?
- Any good ideas/scrap materials to keep my eye out for to use as a crates/obstacles? I thoroughly enjoy dodging cost by scavenging stuff and want to know what you think makes good salvage.
Feel free to leave any other helpful tips or tricks!