Something Strange - a modern horror setting (updated v2.2))

By drainsmith, in Your Settings

Fully new version for the Foundry! This is an updated version from the old one that was once available for free. The differences are minor, so if you don't really want to spend the $9.99 I completely understand. But I do think I was able to add in some neat stuff that makes it worth the buy even if you already have the free version.

Edit: Now on DriveThruRPG via Genesys Foundry!

Edited by drainsmith

Very nice!

You, Sir, are insane! This setting is great, the layout is fantastic and I like the idea of Tier 1 Supernatural Talents for Werewulfs, Vampires, etc.

It enables to actually advance a character during the story progression and let him become or even discover his sinister secret … does the character know, he is actually the werewolf the party is looking for? What about his nightmares … are they really just that?

I can already image the players' faces when they discover that the monster is right in their middle - a friend. How will they deal with that? Find a cure? Kill him?

Ohhhh. Your setting gets some nice ideas going in my head … thanks for sharing it! :)

P.S.: the character sheet! Fantastic! Yay! ?

@pansophy Thank you! That is very nice to hear. I'm glad you like it.

I see that there are plenty of Werewolf talents but not that many for Vampires. Some seem that they could fit both. That is my only real critique.

On 11/18/2018 at 6:31 AM, thedonnie said:

I see that there are plenty of Werewolf talents but not that many for Vampires. Some seem that they could fit both. That is my only real critique.

Yeah, I still have work to do. Fae Blood needs love too.

@drainsmith - looks fantastic and I will definitely be using a lot of this as I’m planning out my next campaign. Noticed a minor typo though and wanted to point it out for correction - the Dedicated archetype has both Agility and Willpower at 3. Pretty obvious that the Agility should have been 2, but before I share this with my players (who will try to argue that they should have two 3s) I thought you might want to correct it. Great work!

@Danieleben I thought I ninja edited it, but I messed up the link. The 1.6.1 version should be correct.

Sweet! Thank you very much!

Now on the Genesys Foundry! This is an updated version from the old one that was once available. The differences are minor, so if you don't really want to spend the $9.99 I completely understand. But I do think I was able to add in some neat stuff that makes it worth the buy even if you already have the free version.

I am curious why page 10 in the upper right takes my Custom Career rules and gives me no credit... and I mean EXACT wording (see screen shot at the bottom).

I do not care that you used it. I do not care you are making $10 on each one (its a nice setting, I bought it, am going to use it for my next campaign)... I do not appreciate lack of acknowledgement, even if it only used my "BrashFink" net name.

Twilight Imperium Race thread from December 2017...

And Custom Career Template from January 4...

Compairison of page 10 vs page 1 in my Twilight Imperium setting Book...


@BrashFink Honestly, I had absolutely no idea this was yours. We had this pinned in the discord server from another user for so long. I'll take it out right away. So very sorry about that.

Edited by drainsmith

You do not need to take it out... Its under creative commons. Just a name in the Thanks would be appreciated.

If it was an accident, no worries. We all use each others stuff... however, I worry now with pay coming into play people are going to be more bent out of shape.

Please feel free to keep it if you add me to the thanks. I have no interest in taking any money you make off it. You did a great job.

If you do choose to thank me, you can just put it in the thanks area with the others. Just put James "BrashFink" Brandt.

Edited by BrashFink
I am normally a lurker and don't get involved however, I have to say...
  • These are different enough that they don't follow under a 'copy' off someone.
  • I have seen this layout, rules, further back than Twilight Imperium layout (my own and others).
  • There is certainly more than 10% changed or different to avoid copyright. "N ot that rules can be protected at any rate".
  • A credit is a small thing to ask, but it's a bit of a stretch. If we are going to do that we should all be crediting Jay Little—among others—who deserve it.
Edited by DarthZorg
20 minutes ago, DarthZorg said:
I am normally a lurker and don't get involved however, I have to say...
  • These are different enough that they don't follow under a 'copy' off someone.
  • I have seen this layout, rules, further back than Twilight Imperium layout (my own and others).
  • There is certainly more than 10% changed or different to avoid copyright. "N ot that rules can be protected at any rate".
  • A credit is a small thing to ask, but it's a bit of a stretch. If we are going to do that we should all be crediting Jay Little—among others—who deserve it.

Correct. If he does not credit me, and keeps it in... there is nothing I can really do... nor would anyway.

It's all a matter of principal. "You must do what you feel is right of course". - Obi Wan Kenobi

Edited by BrashFink

@DarthZorg Is right. But crediting @BrashFink in my Thanks section doesn't cost me anything. My next update will include your name.

I appreciate it... and am proud to be in the book even in a minuscule way.

I am planning on using it for my next campaign. It's a great kick off Foundry Product. Congrats.

New version up on the Foundry. I added a bunch of artwork!

Hey, I was curious when you might be doing the next update for Something strange? I recall you mentioning that you might update it sometime this November.

I don't recall saying anything like that. I don't have any plans to update the core doc itself. I do have plans to release an adventure for it but keeps taking longer and longer to finish and pretty sure I never put a date on it.