Shock Staff for Tech-Priests?

By Drummer4hire, in Dark Heresy House Rules

So the group I play Dark Heresy with is sitting around playing and i notice for the first time that in my starting equipment I get a metal staff. We had been discussing before my elec-too use and I asked my buddy who was GM-ing if, since i can channel electricity through the grafts on my hands, I could turn that staff into a shock weapon.

He looked at me for a minute and said, "... you know, yeah. I don't see why not." So I mono-ed it and now i have a 1d10 (i think) shock weapon with 2 penetration stashed away in my equipment.

So if you're a tech-priest with a decent Weapon skill, here's a shock weapon that only costs as much as it takes to mono it.

There's no real guarantee that other GMs will be as lenient.

It could be reasonably argued, for example, that there would need to be serious retooling of the hand(s) used to wield the staff to provide a sufficient buffer for the electricity now coursing through the staff. Also, prolonged use might lead to the staff, well, melting a bit. Electricity is hot stuff.

I personally feel this might make for an excellent elite advance, however, in the form of another Luminen talent, with similar mechanics - something akin to:

Luminen Weapon

Prerequisites: Tech-Priest (Electoo inductor/Potentia coil), Luminen Shock

Through a similar focus of bio-electrical energy through your electoo inductors, you are able to infuse a fully-conductive weapon with incapacitating electricity. With a free action, you can use this talent to grant a fully conductive melee weapon the Shocking special quality until the beginning of your next turn. Each time you use this Talent, you gain a level of Fatigue.

Unusualsuspect said:

Luminen Weapon

Prerequisites: Tech-Priest (Electoo inductor/Potentia coil), Luminen Shock

Through a similar focus of bio-electrical energy through your electoo inductors, you are able to infuse a fully-conductive weapon with incapacitating electricity. With a free action, you can use this talent to grant a fully conductive melee weapon the Shocking special quality until the beginning of your next turn. Each time you use this Talent, you gain a level of Fatigue.

Seems a little harsh. Perhaps "each time you use this Talent you must Test Toughness or gain a level of Fatigue."

That would bring it more in line with other similar Implant-Talents. I would probably charge around 200XP or so for this at around rank 3 or 4.

Alternately you could allow the Techpriest to buy Melee (Shock) as an Elite Advance and then allow them to pull such tricks out of their cyber-hat in instances where their weapon has suffered damage to the capacitors, powerpack or other story-drama via a Difficult Tech Use test followed by a Toughness test to avoid the Fatigue point. This means that you can make use of a cool Shock-Staff as a regular weapon, but even when "disarmed" the crafty Techpriest can improvise a "shock-crowbar" when pushed to the wall...

If its harsh, its a level of harsh I took (almost word for word) from other Luminen talents in the core rulebook.

Unusualsuspect said:

If its harsh, its a level of harsh I took (almost word for word) from other Luminen talents in the core rulebook.

Yes, and FFG thought that WAS too harsh and if you read the errata they changed all Luminen skills to have a Toughness Test instead of just flat out fatigue. Also, if it functions like other Luminen talents than Energy Cache should effect it as well, which any self respecting Luminen using Tech-Priest would take anyway.

I have read the errata, I simply must have missed it amongst the 11 pages of changes made in a fairly random order.

Unusualsuspect said:

I have read the errata, I simply must have missed it amongst the 11 pages of changes made in a fairly random order.

If you mean "in order of where they are in the book, and separated on a per chapter basis", yes, it's in random order gui%C3%B1o.gif


Unusualsuspect said:

I have read the errata, I simply must have missed it amongst the 11 pages of changes made in a fairly random order.

If you mean "in order of where they are in the book, and separated on a per chapter basis", yes, it's in random order gui%C3%B1o.gif

The first page of the errata deals with issues ranging from page 22 through page 349. Are you indicating that all other pages of the errata are from after page 349? I'm aware PARTS of the errata are in order, but not all of it.


This discussion is silly. I missed the change in the errata, even though I looked for it. I must be an idiot, so consider my suggestion modified to fit the change to other Luminen talents.

I'ld allow for luminen shock to be used with a metal stuff as it should conduct the effect. but then you could also let go off the staff with one hand and use the luminen shock with your free hand and grad the staff again (that would be free actions)