Redeploy and move question for cards with markers

By Belevoix, in Star Wars: Destiny


Across the Galaxy adds Immutability which grants redeploy to all upgrades. If I redeploy Con Artist with a load of damage on it, does the damage move with the card or does the redeploy remove all markers and essentially start it back at 0, so only milling one card when the special triggers.

It is a similar issue with move. If I move a card to a character does that reset the markers on it or do they remain on the card?



On page 10, the rules mention that the tokens on a card are removed from that card when it leaves play. There is no mention about the transition from out-of-play to in play.

As for how tokens can get on an out-of-play card, on page 30, the FAQ mentions being able to use Ascension Gun to move tokens to or from Main Plaza.

That said, you are not asking about any sort of transition; simply moving or redeploying an upgrade.

The rules do not explicitly say to remove tokens in either situation, and the rules do specify to do just that in a different situation, so I would argue that the tokens stay on the card if moving or redeploying an upgrade.