Tic Tac FFG ( 2019 schedule releases)

By Daigotsu Arashi, in Legend of the Five Rings: The Card Game

We are at November and the only thing we know it’s the new upcoming children of the empire expansion, but in the article Sun and shadows says by the end of 2019 all clans will have his pack. So we have:

-Children of the empire

-5 clan packs

- Probably 5 clan novellas

- Probably New dynasty cycle

Even if there is no novellas or dynasty cycle, how it going to be the releases, every 2 month, 5 clans in 5 weeks?

I suspect (completely baseless) that there will be no dynasty cycle this year. It seems rather crazy FFG would overlap releases upon releases. This would make it a moderate year, however it would also make it a stale one outside of the Clans getting their releases.

I would be highly surprise if they didn't do at least 1 dynasty cycle this year. The plan seem to be originally only 2 clan packs per year, but later decided to get them all out quicker. I would doubt that affected their original plans as much as some might think. It's possible that Children of the Empire is replacing one of the dynasty cycles, but I'd still expect to see at least 1 normal cycle this year as well.

57 minutes ago, Hordeoverseer said:

I suspect (completely baseless) that there will be no dynasty cycle this year. It seems rather crazy FFG would overlap releases upon releases. This would make it a moderate year, however it would also make it a stale one outside of the Clans getting their releases.

Depends if they keep to the 6 in 6 format for the cycle. If Children is a Q1 release in say January followed by the first 2 clan packs in say Mar, Apr you could run a 6 in 6 for the end of May through June, and have a break for Gencon meta to settle or slip in one more clan and than have the last two out post Gencon/pre-worlds

I suppose most clans would be fine with no dynasty packs, Phoenix would pretty much be screwed with only 5 in clan cards for the whole year after CotE drops... scorpion I don't care because they don't need cards, lol.

12 minutes ago, Kaito Kikaze said:

... scorpion I don't care because they don't need cards, lol.

Oh, they need cards. Just... bad cards.

Well, the first year had the core set, 2 cycles of 6 packs and 2 Clan Packs.

If they are happy with their sales, I imagine it makes sense to release a similar amount the second year.

Children of the Empire stands in for the Core Set

The remaining Clan Packs replace 1 cycle.

So I think it seems likely that there will be another cycle in late 2019.

16 hours ago, TheHobgoblyn said:

Well, the first year had the core set, 2 cycles of 6 packs and 2 Clan Packs.

If they are happy with their sales, I imagine it makes sense to release a similar amount the second year.

Children of the Empire stands in for the Core Set

The remaining Clan Packs replace 1 cycle.

So I think it seems likely that there will be another cycle in late 2019.

I think it really depends on what was already in development before the announcement. Unicorn was obviously the closest to being done and i guess the Crane was the next closest. We may even get two clan packs released at the same time or around the same time. I.e- Unicorn & Crane in April or Unicorn in April, then Crane in may.

They mostly likely where working on a new dynasty cycle.

But they may have been working on a multi-player product. Plus it would be better for them to get multi-player solidified before producing more set so when they create more cards they will have multi-player in mind.

The game being in it’s infancy makes it difficult to perdict what they’ll do. We’d need another two years to get a rough standard for release predictions.

Hey, Children of the Empire could still be a multiplayer pack. MAYBE the one-of cards are actually ring cards. If they are sleeved in different colours, the multiplayer format could be less tacky in that aspect as rings are moved around. You really need unique rings for it to work.