NPC ideas wanted

By Watercolour Dragon, in Realms of Terrinoth

For the campaign I'm working on:

Please share any thoughts on converting Obscenes and Ravos the Everhungry, as well as Ankaur Maro and his bone horror steed as adversaries and Dragonspeaker Belthir and Arvel Worldwalker as heroes- they will be allied with the player hero party so NPC's but NPC's that need normal hero data, dragon hybrid and weik warrior are of course good starting points as they are basically ally versions of those.

Any thoughts on best representing these entities and what they can do in Genesys? Would love to hear your ideas and may use some of them.

Why do the Ally need hero stat? They are much easier to run in a npc stat Block. Give em some signature talents that they use. Will be alot easier to run for you instead of going over a full sheet for them.

Anyways gave it a try for the first you posted here is my take on the Obscene. After reading the description there is alot of abilites and i kinda wanted them to keep within rival territory but its kinda bordering nemesis.

Anyways hope you can use it or modify it to suit your needs.

The ichor ability really makes no sense as i look at it again since the GM can always do that prob should just be 2 setback ill edit it later.

Edited by Archellus
Fixed the image

Thanks, will have a look over that

Are you still in need of more stats ? been bit busy lately.
I fixed the image above somehow i had triumphs instead of advantages :)

Anyways took a look at Ankaur Maro and i would go the lazy route and just use the necromancer stats found in Terrinoth. If you want him more nemesing. Give him slightly more wounds and soak and add adversary 2 instead of 1.

You can make up a few more spells and perhaps stat out the duskblade if you want. But the base necromancer stats should do.

For Ravos the Everhungry i would go lazy as well and use the obscene stats i have giving above and add a level of adversary more soak and wounds.

I would add this special ability (or something like it)

  • The Carnage: Spend 3 advantages or 1 triumph to make each enemy engaged with Ravos Suffer 1 wound
  • Terrifying: (at the start of the encounter, all of Ravos opponents must make a Hard [ddd] fear check as an out-of-turn incidental, as per page 243 of the Genesys Core Rulebook.
  • Must feed..: If by the end of the round Ravos has not inflicted any wounds on a opponent he immediately suffers 1 wound.

Hope your campaign is going good :)

Thanks @Archellus - I'm thinking of including a banshee based on the banshee from Battlelore and the two skeleton guards holding her in chains with a little bit of Hecate inspiration thrown in (manipulating people into battle/conflict, being a sort of head witch with an Uthuk flavour), again quite a bit of inspiration's already there with other entities, but any thoughts on making this adversary would be awesome-

more on the banshee here so any thoughts on giving her a similar flavour in Genesys are welcome - I like the idea that she is an unwilling combatant and maybe giving the heroes some way to make use of that.

Campaign projects going well- just working on the booklets for the first two modules so getting closer!

Edited by Watercolour Dragon

Well a Banshee from the description in the links sounds alot like the stats for the wraith. Page 167 in terrinoth. Is has a wail and spectral claws etc.
could use that.

For the unwilling combatant. Thats abit more tricky since if its 2 measly reanimate skeletons your pc will most likely just target them instead.
But you could use it like an encounter altogether.

So something along the lines of 2 skeletons holding this banshee. With a chain of torment or similar item basically lets you control the banshee but there is a catch
it inflicts 1 wound per round on the living but lets you control the banshee.

You could treat the ability Unwavering Aura of darkness and death as a shield and let those skeletons increase their soak while engaged with the banshee.

Now the banshee has hatred of all living and unliving well hatred to all :) lets just say that. So she might still kill the pc even if they just free her.

The trick is to have the PC try and take control at the risk of suffering wounds. Then turn it into a social encounter with the banshee.
But its on a timer they have to get on her good side or get information or whatever before they simply run out of wounds.

The wraith has cool and Discipline to oppose social skills from the pc it could make for quite intense social encounter a pc trying to get information from this evil spirit before the chains literally consumes his soul.

Some flavor things:
If you want to make her more magical add the arcana skill to 2-3 and bump intellect to 3 or 4
Her wail is quite deadly with breach. But if you want it along the lines of Shrieking Torment from the card have the pc make a new fear check or suffer 1 wound or strain each time they hear it.
If its a named or more powerful foe add more wounds and adversary 1

Thanks @Archellus - some good ideas in there. Like I say quite a few adversary entities overlap the banshee so I might make her a bit of a mish mash of elements that suit.

Some of your ideas may well make it into that mix.