Common item

By Schmiegel, in Arkham Horror

I'm not totally sure about the definition of a "common item". If an investigator is instructed to gain a common item (with no further elaboration) and there is, for example, a First Aid Kit and a Shotgun in the display...can he/she take either one? First Aid Kit has the "Item - Common" traits. Shotgun has the "Item - Common Weapon" traits (with "item" and "common" appearing in both instances, obviously..). So are you restricted to acquiring just the "Item - Common" card in this case? Or is a "common weapon" also considered a common item?

Anything with Common is a common item I believe. There are only 2 types of items, common or curio (there may be some odd ones in the orange 'unique' deck, but the orange deck has all sorts of cards ranging from assets to allies to talents). Both Common and Curio items are in the item deck (I think all cards in the 'green' deck are items, whereas all blue deck are allies, and all purple deck are spells). At least for right now.

Edited by Soakman

Thanks, Soakman. So are you saying that a "Common Curio" (such as the Magnifying Glass, which is labelled "Item - Common Curio) is also considered a common item? I'm a little unclear on your differentiation of common OR curio in your response. It would be intuitive to assume that anything with a "common" label on it (common weapon, common curio) is also a "common item". I guess what has me a bit baffled is the fact that there are common weapons, common curious and also simply, in the case of the First Aid Kit, cards with the label "item - common". Some might cost $1 and another $6, which is a broad range. So when Bill Washington found a common item on a train, it seemed like kind of a stretch, at least initially, that what he found was a shotgun, as opposed to something lesser. In Arkham 2.0, all of the above were common items.. So it's probably overthinking it to assume that's not the case in 3.0 as well.


just remember these lables are keywords that are targettable by different effects. So, as long as the item has the keyword matching your request, then it's fine. A "common weapon" for example will be target for both "gain a common item" and "gain a weapon", if this makes sense

Yes, it does make sense, thanks Julia. Then I was overthinking it.

19 hours ago, Soakman said:

Anything with Common is a common item I believe. There are only 2 types of items, common or curio (there may be some odd ones in the orange 'unique' deck, but the orange deck has all sorts of cards ranging from assets to allies to talents). Both Common and Curio items are in the item deck (I think all cards in the 'green' deck are items, whereas all blue deck are allies, and all purple deck are spells). At least for right now.

And Magical.