Making the atst viable

By The captn, in Army Building

Well ive played 4 games with it and got weiess off for 5 turns in 3 of them. Its great fun and worth trying. I feel it needs another sniper unit for the real long range shots.

I've had no issues with the AT-ST in my experience. I'm not seeing almost any impact so I can pretty much walk around with impunity deleting units off the board. I don't run Weiss. I go with the Grenade launcher and the 88 twin light blaster cannon. This allows for decent damage at range 3-4 and at range 2 bypassing all cover. I've had some good results shooting at Luke with other units so he blows his dodge token and following up with the AT-ST. If this doesn't kill Luke it brings him pretty close. If you can take out Luke you did a pretty good job getting your points back.

Edited by Winged Gundark