Little sokething im gonna try on sunday. Im wanting to run my atst and have fun with something i dont play often. Ill be using it in a kit tourney where rebels are heavy and impact isnt very popular. The walker has wiess and fully loaded including hq uplink. It turns into a great area denial tool after round 2. 10 activations should help against trooper spam. Snipers for clean up duty.
++ Standard (Galactic Empire) [788 Points] ++
+ Commander +
•General Veers [80 Points]
+ Corps +
Snowtroopers [68 Points]: Flametrooper
Snowtroopers [68 Points]: Flametrooper
Stormtroopers [68 Points]: DLT-19 Stormtrooper
Stormtroopers [68 Points]: DLT-19 Stormtrooper
Stormtroopers [44 Points]
Stormtroopers [44 Points]
+ Special Forces +
Scout Troopers - Strike Team [44 Points]: DLT-19x Sniper
Scout Troopers - Strike Team [44 Points]: DLT-19x Sniper
+ Heavy +
AT-ST [260 Points]: 88 Twin Light Blaster Cannon, AT-ST Mortar Launcher, DW-3 Concussion Grenade Launcher, HQ Uplink, •General Weiss
+ Command Hand +
Command Hand: •Ambush, •Maximum Firepower, ••Evasive Maneuvers, ••Push, •••Assault, •••Imperial Discipline, ••••Standing Orders
++ Total: [788 Points] ++
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